- #ifndef _PLAYM4_H_
- #define _PLAYM4_H_
- #if defined( _WINDLL)
- #define PLAYM4_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
- #else
- #define PLAYM4_API extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)
- #endif
- //Max channel numbers
- #define PLAYM4_MAX_SUPPORTS 500
- //Wave coef range;
- #define MIN_WAVE_COEF -100
- #define MAX_WAVE_COEF 100
- //Timer type
- #define TIMER_1 1 //Only 16 timers for every process.Default TIMER;
- #define TIMER_2 2 //Not limit;But the precision less than TIMER_1;
- #define BUF_VIDEO_SRC (1) //mixed input,total src buffer size;splited input,video src buffer size
- #define BUF_AUDIO_SRC (2) //mixed input,not defined;splited input,audio src buffer size
- #define BUF_VIDEO_RENDER (3) //video render node count
- #define BUF_AUDIO_RENDER (4) //audio render node count
- #define BUF_VIDEO_DECODED (5) //video decoded node count to render
- #define BUF_AUDIO_DECODED (6) //audio decoded node count to render
- #define BUF_DISPLAY_NODE (7) //display node
- //Error code
- #define PLAYM4_NOERROR 0 //no error
- #define PLAYM4_PARA_OVER 1 //input parameter is invalid;
- #define PLAYM4_ORDER_ERROR 2 //The order of the function to be called is error.
- #define PLAYM4_TIMER_ERROR 3 //Create multimedia clock failed;
- #define PLAYM4_DEC_VIDEO_ERROR 4 //Decode video data failed.
- #define PLAYM4_DEC_AUDIO_ERROR 5 //Decode audio data failed.
- #define PLAYM4_ALLOC_MEMORY_ERROR 6 //Allocate memory failed.
- #define PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 7 //Open the file failed.
- #define PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR 8 //Create thread or event failed
- #define PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR 9 //Create DirectDraw object failed.
- #define PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR 10 //failed when creating off-screen surface.
- #define PLAYM4_BUF_OVER 11 //buffer is overflow
- #define PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR 12 //failed when creating audio device.
- #define PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR 13 //Set volume failed
- #define PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY 14 //The function only support play file.
- #define PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY 15 //The function only support play stream.
- #define PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT 16 //System not support.
- #define PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN 17 //No file header.
- #define PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT 18 //The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted.
- #define PLAYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR 19 //Initialize decoder failed.
- #define PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR 20 //The file data is unknown.
- #define PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR 21 //Initialize multimedia clock failed.
- #define PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR 22 //Blt failed.
- #define PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR 23 //Update failed.
- #define PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI 24 //openfile error, streamtype is multi
- #define PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO 25 //openfile error, streamtype is video
- #define PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR 26 //JPEG compress error
- #define PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT 27 //Don't support the version of this file.
- #define PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR 28 //extract video data failed.
- #define PLAYM4_SECRET_KEY_ERROR 29 //Secret key is error //add 20071218
- #define PLAYM4_DECODE_KEYFRAME_ERROR 30 //add by hy 20090318
- #define PLAYM4_NEED_MORE_DATA 31 //add by hy 20100617
- #define PLAYM4_INVALID_PORT 32 //add by cj 20100913
- #define PLAYM4_NOT_FIND 33 //add by cj 20110428
- #define PLAYM4_NEED_LARGER_BUFFER 34 //add by pzj 20130528
- #define PLAYM4_FAIL_UNKNOWN 99 //Fail, but the reason is unknown;
- //鱼眼功能错误码
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_ENABLEFAIL 100 // 鱼眼模块加载失败
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_NOTENABLE 101 // 鱼眼模块没有加载
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_NOSUBPORT 102 // 子端口没有分配
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_PARAMNOTINIT 103 // 没有初始化对应端口的参数
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_SUBPORTOVER 104 // 子端口已经用完
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_EFFECTNOTSUPPORT 105 // 该安装方式下这种效果不支持
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_INVALIDWND 106 // 非法的窗口
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_PTZOVERFLOW 107 // PTZ位置越界
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_RADIUSINVALID 108 // 圆心参数非法
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_UPDATENOTSUPPORT 109 // 指定的安装方式和矫正效果,该参数更新不支持
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_NOPLAYPORT 110 // 播放库端口没有启用
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_PARAMVALID 111 // 参数为空
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_INVALIDPORT 112 // 非法子端口
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_PTZZOOMOVER 113 // PTZ矫正范围越界
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_OVERMAXPORT 114 // 矫正通道饱和,最大支持的矫正通道为四个
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_ENABLED 115 //该端口已经启用了鱼眼模块
- #define PLAYM4_FEC_ERR_D3DACCENOTENABLE 116 // D3D加速没有开启
- //Max display regions.
- #define MAX_DISPLAY_WND 4
- //Display type
- #define DISPLAY_NORMAL 0x00000001
- #define DISPLAY_QUARTER 0x00000002
- #define DISPLAY_YC_SCALE 0x00000004 //add by gb 20091116
- #define DISPLAY_NOTEARING 0x00000008
- //Display buffers
- #define MAX_DIS_FRAMES 50
- #define MIN_DIS_FRAMES 1
- //Locate by
- #define BY_FRAMENUM 1
- #define BY_FRAMETIME 2
- //Source buffer
- #define SOURCE_BUF_MAX 1024*100000
- #define SOURCE_BUF_MIN 1024*50
- //Stream type
- #define STREAME_FILE 1
- //frame type
- #define T_AUDIO16 101
- #define T_AUDIO8 100
- #define T_UYVY 1
- #define T_YV12 3
- #define T_RGB32 7
- //capability
- #define SUPPORT_DDRAW 1
- #define SUPPORT_BLT 2
- #define SUPPORT_SSE 128
- #define SUPPORT_MMX 256
- // 以下宏定义用于HIK_MEDIAINFO结构
- #define FOURCC_HKMI 0x484B4D49 // "HKMI" HIK_MEDIAINFO结构标记
- // 系统封装格式
- #define SYSTEM_NULL 0x0 // 没有系统层,纯音频流或视频流
- #define SYSTEM_HIK 0x1 // 海康文件层
- #define SYSTEM_MPEG2_PS 0x2 // PS封装
- #define SYSTEM_MPEG2_TS 0x3 // TS封装
- #define SYSTEM_RTP 0x4 // rtp封装
- #define SYSTEM_RTPHIK 0x401 // rtp封装
- // 视频编码类型
- #define VIDEO_NULL 0x0 // 没有视频
- #define VIDEO_H264 0x1 // 海康H.264
- #define VIDEO_MPEG4 0x3 // 标准MPEG4
- #define VIDEO_MJPEG 0x4
- #define VIDEO_AVC264 0x0100
- // 音频编码类型
- #define AUDIO_NULL 0x0000 // 没有音频
- #define AUDIO_ADPCM 0x1000 // ADPCM
- #define AUDIO_MPEG 0x2000 // MPEG 系列音频,解码器能自适应各种MPEG音频
- #define AUDIO_AAC 0X2001 // AAC 编码
- // G系列音频
- #define AUDIO_RAW_DATA8 0x7000 //采样率为8k的原始数据
- #define AUDIO_RAW_UDATA16 0x7001 //采样率为16k的原始数据,即L16
- #define AUDIO_G711_U 0x7110
- #define AUDIO_G711_A 0x7111
- #define AUDIO_G722_1 0x7221
- #define AUDIO_G723_1 0x7231
- #define AUDIO_G726_U 0x7260
- #define AUDIO_G726_A 0x7261
- #define AUDIO_G726_16 0x7262
- #define AUDIO_G729 0x7290
- #define AUDIO_AMR_NB 0x3000
- #define SYNCDATA_VEH 1 //同步数据:车载信息
- #define SYNCDATA_IVS 2 //同步数据:智能信息
- //motion flow type
- #define MOTION_FLOW_NONE 0
- #define MOTION_FLOW_CPU 1
- #define MOTION_FLOW_GPU 2
- //音视频加密类型
- #define ENCRYPT_AES_3R_VIDEO 1
- #define ENCRYPT_AES_10R_VIDEO 2
- #define ENCRYPT_AES_3R_AUDIO 1
- #define ENCRYPT_AES_10R_AUDIO 2
- //Frame position
- typedef struct{
- long nFilePos;
- long nFrameNum;
- long nFrameTime;
- long nErrorFrameNum;
- SYSTEMTIME *pErrorTime;
- long nErrorLostFrameNum;
- long nErrorFrameSize;
- //Frame Info
- typedef struct{
- long nWidth;
- long nHeight;
- long nStamp;
- long nType;
- long nFrameRate;
- DWORD dwFrameNum;
- typedef struct
- {
- long nPort; //通道号
- char *pBuf; //返回的第一路图像数据指针
- unsigned int nBufLen; //返回的第一路图像数据大小
- char *pBuf1; //返回的第二路图像数据指针
- unsigned int nBufLen1; //返回的第二路图像数据大小
- char *pBuf2; //返回的第三路图像数据指针
- unsigned int nBufLen2; //返回的第三路图像数据大小
- unsigned int nWidth; //画面宽
- unsigned int nHeight; //画面高
- unsigned int nStamp; //时标信息,单位毫秒
- unsigned int nType; //数据类型
- void *pUser; //用户数据
- unsigned int reserved[4]; //保留
- //Frame
- typedef struct{
- char *pDataBuf;
- long nSize;
- long nFrameNum;
- BOOL bIsAudio;
- long nReserved;
- //Watermark Info //add by gb 080119
- typedef struct{
- char *pDataBuf;
- long nSize;
- long nFrameNum;
- BOOL bRsaRight;
- long nReserved;
- typedef struct SYNCDATA_INFO
- {
- DWORD dwDataType; //和码流数据同步的附属信息类型,目前有:智能信息,车载信息
- DWORD dwDataLen; //附属信息数据长度
- BYTE* pData; //指向附属信息数据结构的指针,比如IVS_INFO结构
- typedef struct _HIK_MEDIAINFO_ // modified by gb 080425
- {
- unsigned int media_fourcc; // "HKMI": 0x484B4D49 Hikvision Media Information
- unsigned short media_version; // 版本号:指本信息结构版本号,目前为0x0101,即1.01版本,01:主版本号;01:子版本号。
- unsigned short device_id; // 设备ID,便于跟随/分析
- unsigned short system_format; // 系统封装层
- unsigned short video_format; // 视频编码类型
- unsigned short audio_format; // 音频编码类型
- unsigned char audio_channels; // 通道数
- unsigned char audio_bits_per_sample; // 样位率
- unsigned int audio_samplesrate; // 采样率
- unsigned int audio_bitrate; // 压缩音频码率,单位:bit
- unsigned int reserved[4]; // 保留
- #endif
- typedef struct
- {
- long nPort;
- char * pBuf;
- long nBufLen;
- long nWidth;
- long nHeight;
- long nStamp;
- long nType;
- long nUser;
- typedef struct
- {
- long nPort;
- char *pVideoBuf;
- long nVideoBufLen;
- char *pPriBuf;
- long nPriBufLen;
- long nWidth;
- long nHeight;
- long nStamp;
- long nType;
- long nUser;
- typedef struct PLAYM4_SYSTEM_TIME //绝对时间
- {
- DWORD dwYear; //年
- DWORD dwMon; //月
- DWORD dwDay; //日
- DWORD dwHour; //时
- DWORD dwMin; //分
- DWORD dwSec; //秒
- DWORD dwMs; //毫秒
- //ENCRYPT Info
- typedef struct{
- long nVideoEncryptType; //视频加密类型
- long nAudioEncryptType; //音频加密类型
- long nSetSecretKey; //是否设置,1表示设置密钥,0表示没有设置密钥
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //API
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////ver 1.0///////////////////////////////////////
- //Initialize DirecDraw.Now invalid.
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_InitDDraw(HWND hWnd);
- //Release directDraw; Now invalid.
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RealeseDDraw();
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OpenFile(LONG nPort,LPSTR sFileName);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_CloseFile(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_Play(LONG nPort, HWND hWnd);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_Stop(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_Pause(LONG nPort,DWORD nPause);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_Fast(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_Slow(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OneByOne(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetPlayPos(LONG nPort,float fRelativePos);
- PLAYM4_API float __stdcall PlayM4_GetPlayPos(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetFileEndMsg(LONG nPort,HWND hWnd,UINT nMsg);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetVolume(LONG nPort,WORD nVolume);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_StopSound();
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_PlaySound(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OpenStream(LONG nPort,PBYTE pFileHeadBuf,DWORD nSize,DWORD nBufPoolSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_InputData(LONG nPort,PBYTE pBuf,DWORD nSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_CloseStream(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API int __stdcall PlayM4_GetCaps();
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetFileTime(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetPlayedTime(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetPlayedFrames(LONG nPort);
- //23
- ////////////////ver 2.0 added///////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecCallBack(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DecCBFun)(long nPort,char * pBuf,long nSize,FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo, long nReserved1,long nReserved2));
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayCallBackYUV(LONG nPort, void (CALLBACK* DisplayCBFun)(DISPLAY_INFO_YUV *pstDisplayInfo), BOOL bTrue, void* pUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayCallBack(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DisplayCBFun)(long nPort,char * pBuf,long nSize,long nWidth,long nHeight,long nStamp,long nType,long nReserved));
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ConvertToBmpFile(char * pBuf,long nSize,long nWidth,long nHeight,long nType,char *sFileName);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetFileTotalFrames(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetCurrentFrameRate(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetPlayedTimeEx(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetPlayedTimeEx(LONG nPort,DWORD nTime);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetCurrentFrameNum(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetStreamOpenMode(LONG nPort,DWORD nMode);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetFileHeadLength();
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetSdkVersion();
- //11
- ////////////////ver 2.2 added///////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetLastError(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RefreshPlay(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetOverlayMode(LONG nPort,BOOL bOverlay,COLORREF colorKey);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetPictureSize(LONG nPort,LONG *pWidth,LONG *pHeight);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetPicQuality(LONG nPort,BOOL bHighQuality);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_PlaySoundShare(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_StopSoundShare(LONG nPort);
- //7
- ////////////////ver 2.4 added///////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API LONG __stdcall PlayM4_GetStreamOpenMode(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API LONG __stdcall PlayM4_GetOverlayMode(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API COLORREF __stdcall PlayM4_GetColorKey(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API WORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetVolume(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetPictureQuality(LONG nPort,BOOL *bHighQuality);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetSourceBufferRemain(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ResetSourceBuffer(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetSourceBufCallBack(LONG nPort,DWORD nThreShold,void (CALLBACK * SourceBufCallBack)(long nPort,DWORD nBufSize,DWORD dwUser,void*pResvered),DWORD dwUser,void *pReserved);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ResetSourceBufFlag(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayBuf(LONG nPort,DWORD nNum);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetDisplayBuf(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OneByOneBack(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetFileRefCallBack(LONG nPort, void (__stdcall *pFileRefDone)(DWORD nPort,DWORD nUser),DWORD nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetCurrentFrameNum(LONG nPort,DWORD nFrameNum);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetKeyFramePos(LONG nPort,DWORD nValue, DWORD nType, PFRAME_POS pFramePos);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetNextKeyFramePos(LONG nPort,DWORD nValue, DWORD nType, PFRAME_POS pFramePos);
- #if (WINVER >= 0x0400)
- //Note: These funtion must be builded under win2000 or above with Microsoft Platform sdk.
- // You can download the sdk from "http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/";
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_InitDDrawDevice();
- PLAYM4_API void __stdcall PlayM4_ReleaseDDrawDevice();
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetDDrawDeviceTotalNums();
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDDrawDevice(LONG nPort,DWORD nDeviceNum);
- //PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetDDrawDeviceInfo(DWORD nDeviceNum,LPSTR lpDriverDescription,DWORD nDespLen,LPSTR lpDriverName ,DWORD nNameLen,HMONITOR *hhMonitor);
- PLAYM4_API int __stdcall PlayM4_GetCapsEx(DWORD nDDrawDeviceNum);
- #endif
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ThrowBFrameNum(LONG nPort,DWORD nNum);
- //23
- ////////////////ver 2.5 added///////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayType(LONG nPort,LONG nType);
- PLAYM4_API long __stdcall PlayM4_GetDisplayType(LONG nPort);
- //2
- ////////////////ver 3.0 added///////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecCBStream(LONG nPort,DWORD nStream);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayRegion(LONG nPort,DWORD nRegionNum, RECT *pSrcRect, HWND hDestWnd, BOOL bEnable);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RefreshPlayEx(LONG nPort,DWORD nRegionNum);
- #if (WINVER >= 0x0400)
- //Note: The funtion must be builded under win2000 or above with Microsoft Platform sdk.
- // You can download the sdk from http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/;
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDDrawDeviceEx(LONG nPort,DWORD nRegionNum,DWORD nDeviceNum);
- #endif
- //4
- /////////////////v3.2 added/////////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetRefValue(LONG nPort,BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD *pSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetRefValue(LONG nPort,BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD nSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OpenStreamEx(LONG nPort,PBYTE pFileHeadBuf,DWORD nSize,DWORD nBufPoolSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_CloseStreamEx(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_InputVideoData(LONG nPort,PBYTE pBuf,DWORD nSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_InputAudioData(LONG nPort,PBYTE pBuf,DWORD nSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RegisterDrawFun(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DrawFun)(long nPort,HDC hDc,LONG nUser),LONG nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RigisterDrawFun(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DrawFun)(long nPort,HDC hDc,LONG nUser),LONG nUser);
- //8
- //////////////////v3.4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetTimerType(LONG nPort,DWORD nTimerType,DWORD nReserved);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetTimerType(LONG nPort,DWORD *pTimerType,DWORD *pReserved);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ResetBuffer(LONG nPort,DWORD nBufType);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetBufferValue(LONG nPort,DWORD nBufType);
- //////////////////V3.6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_AdjustWaveAudio(LONG nPort,LONG nCoefficient);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetVerifyCallBack(LONG nPort, DWORD nBeginTime, DWORD nEndTime, void (__stdcall * funVerify)(long nPort, FRAME_POS * pFilePos, DWORD bIsVideo, DWORD nUser), DWORD nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetAudioCallBack(LONG nPort, void (__stdcall * funAudio)(long nPort, char * pAudioBuf, long nSize, long nStamp, long nType, long nUser), long nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetEncTypeChangeCallBack(LONG nPort,void(CALLBACK *funEncChange)(long nPort,long nUser),long nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetColor(LONG nPort, DWORD nRegionNum, int nBrightness, int nContrast, int nSaturation, int nHue);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetColor(LONG nPort, DWORD nRegionNum, int *pBrightness, int *pContrast, int *pSaturation, int *pHue);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetEncChangeMsg(LONG nPort,HWND hWnd,UINT nMsg);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetOriginalFrameCallBack(LONG nPort, BOOL bIsChange,BOOL bNormalSpeed,long nStartFrameNum,long nStartStamp,long nFileHeader,void(CALLBACK *funGetOrignalFrame)(long nPort,FRAME_TYPE *frameType, long nUser),long nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetFileSpecialAttr(LONG nPort, DWORD *pTimeStamp,DWORD *pFileNum ,DWORD *pReserved);
- PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetSpecialData(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetCheckWatermarkCallBack(LONG nPort,void(CALLBACK* funCheckWatermark)(long nPort,WATERMARK_INFO* pWatermarkInfo,DWORD nUser),DWORD nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetImageSharpen(LONG nPort,DWORD nLevel);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecodeFrameType(LONG nPort,DWORD nFrameType);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetPlayMode(LONG nPort,BOOL bNormal);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetOverlayFlipMode(LONG nPort,BOOL bTrue);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetOverlayPriInfoFlag(LONG nPort, DWORD nIntelType, BOOL bTrue,const char *pFontPath);
- //PLAYM4_API DWORD __stdcall PlayM4_GetAbsFrameNum(LONG nPort);
- //////////////////V4.7.0.0//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////convert yuv to jpeg
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ConvertToJpegFile(char * pBuf,long nSize,long nWidth,long nHeight,long nType,char *sFileName);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetJpegQuality(long nQuality);
- //set deflash
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDeflash(LONG nPort,BOOL bDefalsh);
- //PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecCallBackEx(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DecCBFun)(long nPort,char * pBuf,long nSize,FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo, long nReserved1,long nReserved2), char* pDest, long nDestSize);
- //////////////////V4.8.0.0/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //check discontinuous frame number as error data?
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_CheckDiscontinuousFrameNum(LONG nPort, BOOL bCheck);
- //get bmp or jpeg
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetBMP(LONG nPort,PBYTE pBitmap,DWORD nBufSize,DWORD* pBmpSize);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetJPEG(LONG nPort,PBYTE pJpeg,DWORD nBufSize,DWORD* pJpegSize);
- //dec call back mend
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecCallBackMend(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DecCBFun)(long nPort,char * pBuf,long nSize,FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo, long nUser,long nReserved2), long nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetSecretKey(LONG nPort, LONG lKeyType, char *pSecretKey, LONG lKeyLen);
- // add by gb 2007-12-23
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetFileEndCallback(LONG nPort, void(CALLBACK*FileEndCallback)(long nPort, void *pUser), void *pUser);
- // add by gb 080131 version
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetPort(LONG* nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FreePort(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDisplayCallBackEx(LONG nPort,void (CALLBACK* DisplayCBFun)(DISPLAY_INFO *pstDisplayInfo), long nUser);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SkipErrorData(LONG nPort, BOOL bSkip);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecCallBackExMend(LONG nPort, void (CALLBACK* DecCBFun)(long nPort, char* pBuf, long nSize, FRAME_INFO* pFrameInfo,
- long nUser, long nReserved2), char* pDest, long nDestSize, long nUser);
- //reverse play add by chenjie 110609
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_ReversePlay(LONG nPort);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetSystemTime(LONG nPort, PLAYM4_SYSTEM_TIME *pstSystemTime);
- //PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetDecodeERC(long nPort, unsigned int nLevel);
- //nProtocolType
- //nSessionInfoType
- typedef struct _PLAYM4_SESSION_INFO_ //交互信息结构
- {
- int nSessionInfoType; //交互信息类型,比如SDP,比如海康私有信息头
- int nSessionInfoLen; //交互信息长度
- unsigned char* pSessionInfoData; //交互信息数据
- #endif
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_OpenStreamAdvanced(LONG nPort, int nProtocolType, PLAYM4_SESSION_INFO* pstSessionInfo, DWORD nBufPoolSize);
- #define R_ANGLE_0 -1 //不旋转
- #define R_ANGLE_L90 0 //向左旋转90度
- #define R_ANGLE_R90 1 //向右旋转90度
- #define R_ANGLE_180 2 //旋转180度
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetRotateAngle(LONG nPort, DWORD nRegionNum, DWORD dwType);
- typedef struct _PLAYM4_ADDITION_INFO_ //交互信息结构
- {
- BYTE* pData; //附件数据
- DWORD dwDatalen; //附件数据长度
- DWORD dwDataType; //数据类型
- DWORD dwTimeStamp; //相对时间戳
- #endif
- //dwGroupIndex 暂约定取值0~3,第一版本取消同步只能同个closestream处理
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetSycGroup(LONG nPort, DWORD dwGroupIndex);
- //暂不实现此函数,同个组设置的起始时间不一致,以最小的时间作为播放起点,同一组可只设一路
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetSycStartTime(LONG nPort, PLAYM4_SYSTEM_TIME *pstSystemTime);
- // 以下实现鱼眼相关的接口
- #ifndef FISH_EYE_TAG
- #define FISH_EYE_TAG
- // 安装类型
- typedef enum tagFECPlaceType
- {
- FEC_PLACE_WALL = 0x1, // 壁装方式 (法线水平)
- FEC_PLACE_FLOOR = 0x2, // 地面安装 (法线向上)
- FEC_PLACE_CEILING = 0x3, // 顶装方式 (法线向下)
- typedef enum tagFECCorrectType
- {
- FEC_CORRECT_PTZ = 0x100, // PTZ
- FEC_CORRECT_180 = 0x200, // 180度矫正 (对应2P)
- FEC_CORRECT_360 = 0x300, // 360全景矫正 (对应1P)
- FEC_CORRECT_LAT = 0x400 //纬度展开
- typedef struct tagCycleParam
- {
- float fRadiusLeft; // 圆的最左边X坐标
- float fRadiusRight; // 圆的最右边X坐标
- float fRadiusTop; // 圆的最上边Y坐标
- float fRadiusBottom; // 圆的最下边Y坐标
- typedef struct tagPTZParam
- {
- float fPTZPositionX; // PTZ 显示的中心位置 X坐标
- float fPTZPositionY; // PTZ 显示的中心位置 Y坐标
- // 错误码
- /*********************************************
- ********************************************/
- // 更新标记变量定义
- #define FEC_UPDATE_RADIUS 0x1
- #define FEC_UPDATE_PTZZOOM 0x2
- typedef struct tagFECParam
- {
- unsigned int nUpDateType; // 更新的类型
- unsigned int nPlaceAndCorrect; // 安装方式和矫正方式,只能用于获取,SetParam的时候无效,该值表示安装方式和矫正方式的和
- PTZPARAM stPTZParam; // PTZ 校正的参数
- CYCLEPARAM stCycleParam; // 鱼眼图像圆心参数
- float fZoom; // PTZ 显示的范围参数
- float fWideScanOffset; // 180或者360度校正的偏移角度
- int nResver[16]; // 保留字段
- typedef void (__stdcall * FISHEYE_CallBack )( void* pUser , unsigned int nSubPort , unsigned int nCBType , void * hDC , unsigned int nWidth , unsigned int nHeight);
- #endif
- // 启用鱼眼
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_Enable(LONG nPort);
- // 关闭鱼眼模块
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_Disable(LONG nPort);
- // 获取鱼眼矫正处理子端口 [1~31]
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_GetPort(LONG nPort, unsigned int* nSubPort,FECPLACETYPE emPlaceType,FECCORRECTTYPE emCorrectType);
- // 删除鱼眼矫正处理子端口
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_DelPort(LONG nPort , unsigned int nSubPort);
- // 设置鱼眼矫正参数
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_SetParam(LONG nPort , unsigned int nSubPort , FISHEYEPARAM * pPara);
- // 获取鱼眼矫正参数
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_GetParam(LONG nPort , unsigned int nSubPort , FISHEYEPARAM * pPara);
- // 设置显示窗口,可以随时切换
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_SetWnd(LONG nPort , unsigned int nSubPort , void * hWnd);
- // 设置鱼眼窗口的绘图回调
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_FEC_SetCallBack(LONG nPort , unsigned int nSubPort , FISHEYE_CallBack cbFunc , void * pUser);
- //motionflow
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_MotionFlow(LONG nPort, DWORD dwAdjustType);
- //图像增强相关
- typedef struct _PLAYM4_VIE_DYNPARAM_
- {
- int moduFlag; //启用的算法处理模块,在PLAYM4_VIE_MODULES中定义
- //模块启用后,必须设置相应的参数;
- int brightVal; //亮度调节值,[-255, 255]
- int contrastVal; //对比度调节值,[-256, 255]
- int colorVal; //饱和度调节值,[-256, 255]
- int toneScale; //滤波范围,[0, 100]
- int toneGain; //对比度调节,全局对比度增益值,[-256, 255]
- int toneOffset; //亮度调节,亮度平均值偏移,[-255, 255]
- int toneColor; //颜色调节,颜色保真值,[-256, 255]
- int dehazeLevel; //去雾强度,[0, 255]
- int dehazeTrans; //透射值,[0, 255]
- int dehazeBright; //亮度补偿,[0, 255]
- int denoiseLevel; //去噪强度,[0, 255]
- int usmAmount; //锐化强度,[0, 255]
- int usmRadius; //锐化半径,[1, 15]
- int usmThreshold; //锐化阈值,[0, 255]
- int deblockLevel; //去块强度,[0, 100]
- int lensWarp; //畸变量,[-256, 255]
- int lensZoom; //缩放量,[-256, 255]
- //无响应参数
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_VIE_MODULES
- {
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_ADJ = 0x00000001, //图像基本调节
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_EHAN = 0x00000002, //局部增强模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_DEHAZE = 0x00000004, //去雾模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_DENOISE = 0x00000008, //去噪模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_SHARPEN = 0x00000010, //锐化模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_DEBLOCK = 0x00000020, //去块滤波模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_CRB = 0x00000040, //色彩平衡模块
- PLAYM4_VIE_MODU_LENS = 0x00000080, //镜头畸变矫正模块
- #endif
- //设置关闭/开启模块
- //dwModuFlag对应PLAYM4_VIE_MODULES宏,可组合
- //先设置模块开启,再设置模块参数;期间采用默认的参数;
- //关闭模块后,上次设置的参数清空
- //其他接口调用,必须在该接口开启模块后;否则,返回错误
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_VIE_SetModuConfig(LONG lPort,int nModuFlag,BOOL bEnable);
- //设置图像增强区域,NULL全图;超过全图,采用全图;最小区域16*16像素
- //可支持设置区域,最多比较说4个,第一个版本可以只支持一个。多个区域要求不能重叠,有重叠就报错
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_VIE_SetRegion(LONG lPort,LONG lRegNum,RECT* pRect);
- //获取开启模块
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_VIE_GetModuConfig(LONG lPort,int* pdwModuFlag);
- //设置参数
- //未开启模块的参数设置被忽略
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_VIE_SetParaConfig(LONG lPort,PLAYM4_VIE_PARACONFIG* pParaConfig);
- //获取开启模块的参数
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_VIE_GetParaConfig(LONG lPort,PLAYM4_VIE_PARACONFIG* pParaConfig);
- //音视频同步接口
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SyncToAudio(LONG nPort, BOOL bSyncToAudio);
- // 私有信息模块类型
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_PRIDATA_RENDER
- {
- PLAYM4_RENDER_ANA_INTEL_DATA = 0x00000001, //智能分析
- PLAYM4_RENDER_MD = 0x00000002, //移动侦测
- PLAYM4_RENDER_ADD_POS = 0x00000004, //POS信息后叠加
- PLAYM4_RENDER_ADD_PIC = 0x00000008, //图片叠加
- PLAYM4_RENDER_FIRE_DETCET = 0x00000010, //热成像信息
- PLAYM4_RENDER_TEM = 0x00000020, //温度信息
- PLAYM4_RENDER_TRACK_TEM = 0x00000040, //轨迹信息
- PLAYM4_RENDER_THERMAL = 0x00000080 //废气检测和烟火屏蔽信息
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_THERMAL_FLAG
- {
- PLAYM4_THERMAL_FIREMASK = 0x00000001, //烟火屏蔽
- PLAYM4_THERMAL_RULEGAS = 0x00000002, //规则废气检测
- PLAYM4_THERMAL_TARGETGAS = 0x00000004 //目标废气检测
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_FIRE_ALARM{
- PLAYM4_FIRE_FRAME_DIS = 0x00000001, //火点框显示
- PLAYM4_FIRE_MAX_TEMP = 0x00000002, //最高温度
- PLAYM4_FIRE_MAX_TEMP_POSITION = 0x00000004, //最高温度位置显示
- PLAYM4_FIRE_DISTANCE = 0x00000008, //最高温度距离}PLAYM4_FIRE_ALARM
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_TEM_FLAG{
- PLAYM4_TEM_REGION_BOX = 0x00000001, //框测温
- PLAYM4_TEM_REGION_LINE = 0x00000002, //线测温
- typedef enum _PLAYM4_TRACK_FLAG
- {
- PLAYM4_TRACK_PEOPLE = 0x00000001, //人轨迹
- PLAYM4_TRACK_VEHICLE = 0x00000002, //车轨迹
- typedef struct TI_PTZ_INFO_
- {
- unsigned short dwDefVer; //结构体版本
- unsigned short dwLength; //PTZ_info长度,以8字节为单位
- DWORD dwP; //P(0~3600)
- DWORD dwT; //T(0~3600)
- DWORD dwZ; //Z(0~3600)
- BYTE chFSMState; //跟随状态
- BYTE bClearFocusState; //聚焦清晰状态(0,1)
- BYTE reserved[6]; //6个字节保留
- // 智能信息开关
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RenderPrivateData(LONG nPort, int nIntelType, BOOL bTrue);
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_RenderPrivateDataEx(LONG nPort, int nIntelType, int nSubType, BOOL bTrue);
- // 加密码流回调,nType=0表示码流加密标记位发生变化就回调,nType=1表示码流有加密位发生回调
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_SetEncryptTypeCallBack(LONG nPort, DWORD nType,
- void (CALLBACK* EncryptTypeCBFun)(long nPort, ENCRYPT_INFO* pEncryptInfo, long nUser, long nReserved2), long nUser);
- //lType: 1 表示获取当前显示帧PTZ信息。以特定结构体形式存储在pInfo内,plLen返回长度信息
- PLAYM4_API BOOL __stdcall PlayM4_GetStreamAdditionalInfo(LONG nPort, LONG lType, BYTE* pInfo, LONG* plLen);
- #endif //_PLAYM4_H_