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完善微信支付 下载对账单 的接口 #65

DDLeEHi 7 years ago
committed by Binary Wang
5 changed files with 426 additions and 8 deletions
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  4. +79
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+ 257
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weixin-java-pay/src/main/java/com/github/binarywang/wxpay/bean/result/WxPayBillBaseResult View File

@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
package com.github.binarywang.wxpay.bean.result;

public class WxPayBillBaseResult implements Serializable
* 交易时间:2017-04-06 01:00:02 公众账号ID: 商户号: 子商户号:0 设备号:WEB 微信订单号: 商户订单号:2017040519091071873216 用户标识: 交易类型:NATIVE
* 交易状态:REFUND 付款银行:CFT 货币种类:CNY 总金额:0.00 企业红包金额:0.00 微信退款单号: 商户退款单号:20170406010000933 退款金额:0.01 企业红包退款金额:0.00
* 退款类型:ORIGINAL 退款状态:SUCCESS 商品名称: 商户数据包: 手续费:0.00000 费率 :0.60%
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String tradeTime;
private String appId;
private String mchId;
private String subMchId;
private String deviceInfo;
private String transationId;
private String outTradeNo;
private String openId;
private String tradeType;
private String tradeState ;
private String bankType;
private String feeType;
private String totalFee;
private String couponFee;
private String refundId;
private String outRefundNo;
private String settlementRefundFee;
private String couponRefundFee;
private String refundChannel;
private String refundState;
private String body;
private String attach;
private String poundage;
private String poundageRate;
public String getTradeTime()
return tradeTime;
public void setTradeTime(String tradeTime)
this.tradeTime = tradeTime;
public String getAppId()
return appId;
public void setAppId(String appId)
this.appId = appId;
public String getMchId()
return mchId;
public void setMchId(String mchId)
this.mchId = mchId;
public String getSubMchId()
return subMchId;
public void setSubMchId(String subMchId)
this.subMchId = subMchId;
public String getDeviceInfo()
return deviceInfo;
public void setDeviceInfo(String deviceInfo)
this.deviceInfo = deviceInfo;
public String getTransationId()
return transationId;
public void setTransationId(String transationId)
this.transationId = transationId;
public String getOutTradeNo()
return outTradeNo;
public void setOutTradeNo(String outTradeNo)
this.outTradeNo = outTradeNo;
public String getOpenId()
return openId;
public void setOpenId(String openId)
this.openId = openId;
public String getTradeType()
return tradeType;
public void setTradeType(String tradeType)
this.tradeType = tradeType;
public String getTradeState()
return tradeState;
public void setTradeState(String tradeState)
this.tradeState = tradeState;
public String getBankType()
return bankType;
public void setBankType(String bankType)
this.bankType = bankType;
public String getFeeType()
return feeType;
public void setFeeType(String feeType)
this.feeType = feeType;
public String getTotalFee()
return totalFee;
public void setTotalFee(String totalFee)
this.totalFee = totalFee;
public String getCouponFee()
return couponFee;
public void setCouponFee(String couponFee)
this.couponFee = couponFee;
public String getRefundId()
return refundId;
public void setRefundId(String refundId)
this.refundId = refundId;
public String getOutRefundNo()
return outRefundNo;
public void setOutRefundNo(String outRefundNo)
this.outRefundNo = outRefundNo;
public String getSettlementRefundFee()
return settlementRefundFee;
public void setSettlementRefundFee(String settlementRefundFee)
this.settlementRefundFee = settlementRefundFee;
public String getCouponRefundFee()
return couponRefundFee;
public void setCouponRefundFee(String couponRefundFee)
this.couponRefundFee = couponRefundFee;
public String getRefundChannel()
return refundChannel;
public void setRefundChannel(String refundChannel)
this.refundChannel = refundChannel;
public String getRefundState()
return refundState;
public void setRefundState(String refundState)
this.refundState = refundState;
public String getBody()
return body;
public void setBody(String body)
this.body = body;
public String getAttach()
return attach;
public void setAttach(String attach)
this.attach = attach;
public String getPoundage()
return poundage;
public void setPoundage(String poundage)
this.poundage = poundage;
public String getPoundageRate()
return poundageRate;
public void setPoundageRate(String poundageRate)
this.poundageRate = poundageRate;
public static long getSerialversionuid()
return serialVersionUID;

+ 86
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weixin-java-pay/src/main/java/com/github/binarywang/wxpay/bean/result/WxPayBillResult View File

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package com.github.binarywang.wxpay.bean.result;

import java.util.List;

public class WxPayBillResult implements Serializable
* 对账返回对象
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List<WxPayBillBaseResult> wxPayBillBaseResultLst;
private String totalRecord;
private String totalFee;
private String totalRefundFee;
private String totalCouponFee;
/**手续费总金额 */
private String totalPoundageFee;

public List<WxPayBillBaseResult> getWxPayBillBaseResultLst()
return wxPayBillBaseResultLst;

public void setWxPayBillBaseResultLst(List<WxPayBillBaseResult> wxPayBillBaseResultLst)
this.wxPayBillBaseResultLst = wxPayBillBaseResultLst;

public String getTotalRecord()
return totalRecord;

public void setTotalRecord(String totalRecord)
this.totalRecord = totalRecord;

public String getTotalFee()
return totalFee;

public void setTotalFee(String totalFee)
this.totalFee = totalFee;

public String getTotalRefundFee()
return totalRefundFee;

public void setTotalRefundFee(String totalRefundFee)
this.totalRefundFee = totalRefundFee;

public String getTotalCouponFee()
return totalCouponFee;

public void setTotalCouponFee(String totalCouponFee)
this.totalCouponFee = totalCouponFee;

public String getTotalPoundageFee()
return totalPoundageFee;

public void setTotalPoundageFee(String totalPoundageFee)
this.totalPoundageFee = totalPoundageFee;


+ 1
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weixin-java-pay/src/main/java/com/github/binarywang/wxpay/service/ View File

@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ public interface WxPayService {
* @param deviceInfo 设备号 device_info 非必传参数,终端设备号
* @return 保存到本地的临时文件
File downloadBill(String billDate, String billType, String tarType, String deviceInfo) throws WxErrorException;
WxPayBillResult downloadBill(String billDate, String billType, String tarType, String deviceInfo) throws WxErrorException;

* <pre>

+ 79
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weixin-java-pay/src/main/java/com/github/binarywang/wxpay/service/impl/ View File

@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ public class WxPayServiceImpl implements WxPayService {

public File downloadBill(String billDate, String billType, String tarType, String deviceInfo) throws WxErrorException {
public WxPayBillResult downloadBill(String billDate, String billType, String tarType, String deviceInfo) throws WxErrorException {
WxPayDownloadBillRequest request = new WxPayDownloadBillRequest();
@@ -311,11 +311,85 @@ public class WxPayServiceImpl implements WxPayService {
String url = this.getPayBaseUrl() + "/pay/downloadbill";
//TODO 返回的内容可能是文件流,也有可能是xml,需要区分对待
String responseContent =, request.toXML());
if (responseContent.startsWith("<")){
WxPayCommonResult result = WxPayBaseResult.fromXML(responseContent, WxPayCommonResult.class);
return null;
WxPayBillResult wxPayBillResult = billInformationDeal(responseContent);
return wxPayBillResult;
private WxPayBillResult billInformationDeal(String responseContent){
WxPayBillResult wxPayBillResult = new WxPayBillResult();

String listStr = "";
String objStr = "";
if (responseContent.indexOf("总交易单数") >= 0){
listStr = responseContent.substring(0, responseContent.indexOf("总交易单数"));
objStr = responseContent.substring(responseContent.indexOf("总交易单数"));

WxPayCommonResult result = WxPayBaseResult.fromXML(responseContent, WxPayCommonResult.class);
//TODO 待实现,暂时无测试帐号,无法调试
return null;
* 交易时间:2017-04-06 01:00:02 公众账号ID: 商户号: 子商户号:0 设备号:WEB 微信订单号: 商户订单号:2017040519091071873216 用户标识: 交易类型:NATIVE
* 交易状态:REFUND 付款银行:CFT 货币种类:CNY 总金额:0.00 企业红包金额:0.00 微信退款单号: 商户退款单号:20170406010000933 退款金额:0.01 企业红包退款金额:0.00
* 退款类型:ORIGINAL 退款状态:SUCCESS 商品名称: 商户数据包: 手续费:0.00000 费率 :0.60%

// 参考以上格式进行取值

List<WxPayBillBaseResult> wxPayBillBaseResultLst = new LinkedList<WxPayBillBaseResult>();
String newStr = listStr.replaceAll(",", " "); // 去空格
String[] tempStr = newStr.split("`"); // 数据分组
String[] t = tempStr[0].split(" ");// 分组标题
int j = tempStr.length / t.length; // 计算循环次数
int k = 1; // 纪录数组下标
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++){
WxPayBillBaseResult wxPayBillBaseResult = new WxPayBillBaseResult();

wxPayBillBaseResult.setAppId(tempStr[k + 1]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setMchId(tempStr[k + 2]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setSubMchId(tempStr[k + 3]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setDeviceInfo(tempStr[k + 4]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setTransationId(tempStr[k + 5]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setOutTradeNo(tempStr[k + 6]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setOpenId(tempStr[k + 7]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setTradeType(tempStr[k + 8]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setTradeState(tempStr[k + 9]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setBankType(tempStr[k + 10]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setFeeType(tempStr[k + 11]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setTotalFee(tempStr[k + 12]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setCouponFee(tempStr[k + 13]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setRefundId(tempStr[k + 14]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setOutRefundNo(tempStr[k + 15]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setSettlementRefundFee(tempStr[k + 16]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setCouponRefundFee(tempStr[k + 17]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setRefundChannel(tempStr[k + 18]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setRefundState(tempStr[k + 19]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setBody(tempStr[k + 20]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setAttach(tempStr[k + 21]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setPoundage(tempStr[k + 22]);
wxPayBillBaseResult.setPoundageRate(tempStr[k + 23]);
k += t.length;
* 总交易单数,总交易额,总退款金额,总代金券或立减优惠退款金额,手续费总金额 `2,`0.02,`0.0,`0.0,`0

// 参考以上格式进行取值

String totalStr = objStr.replaceAll(",", " ");
String[] totalTempStr = totalStr.split("`");
return wxPayBillResult;


+ 3
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weixin-java-pay/src/test/java/com/github/binarywang/wxpay/service/impl/ View File

@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ public class WxPayServiceImplTest {

public void testDownloadBill() throws Exception {
File file = this.payService.downloadBill("20170101", "ALL", "GZIP", "1111111");
WxPayBillResult wxPayBillResult = this.payService.downloadBill("20170101", "ALL", "GZIP", "1111111");
this.payService.downloadBill("", "", "", null);
