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Merge pull request #214 from videome/develop

Improve prepay API to support all parameters.
Daniel Qian há 9 anos
3 ficheiros alterados com 130 adições e 46 eliminações
  1. +50
  2. +53
  3. +27

+ 50
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weixin-java-mp/src/main/java/me/chanjar/weixin/mp/api/ Ver ficheiro

@@ -671,33 +671,57 @@ public interface WxMpService {
void setMaxRetryTimes(int maxRetryTimes);

* 统一下单(详见
* 在发起微信支付前,需要调用统一下单接口,获取"预支付交易会话标识"
* @param openId 支付人openId
* @param outTradeNo 商户端对应订单号
* @param amt 金额(单位元)
* @param body 商品描述
* @param tradeType 交易类型 JSAPI,NATIVE,APP,WAP
* @param ip 发起支付的客户端IP
* @param notifyUrl 通知地址
* @return
WxMpPrepayIdResult getPrepayId(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String notifyUrl);
* 统一下单(详见
* 在发起微信支付前,需要调用统一下单接口,获取"预支付交易会话标识"
* @param openId 支付人openId
* @param outTradeNo 商户端对应订单号
* @param amt 金额(单位元)
* @param body 商品描述
* @param tradeType 交易类型 JSAPI,NATIVE,APP,WAP
* @param ip 发起支付的客户端IP
* @param notifyUrl 通知地址
* @return
* @deprecated Use<String, String>) instead
WxMpPrepayIdResult getPrepayId(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String notifyUrl);

* 该接口调用“统一下单”接口,并拼装JSSDK发起支付请求需要的参数
* 详见
* @param openId 支付人openId
* @param outTradeNo 商户端对应订单号
* @param amt 金额(单位元)
* @param body 商品描述
* @param tradeType 交易类型 JSAPI,NATIVE,APP,WAP
* @param ip 发起支付的客户端IP
* @param notifyUrl 通知地址
* @return
Map<String, String> getJSSDKPayInfo(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String notifyUrl);
* 统一下单(详见
* 在发起微信支付前,需要调用统一下单接口,获取"预支付交易会话标识"
* @param parameters
* All required/optional parameters for weixin payment
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
WxMpPrepayIdResult getPrepayId(Map<String, String> parameters);

* 该接口调用“统一下单”接口,并拼装JSSDK发起支付请求需要的参数
* 详见
* @param parameters
* the required or optional parameters
* @return
Map<String, String> getJSSDKPayInfo(Map<String, String> parameters);
* 该接口调用“统一下单”接口,并拼装JSSDK发起支付请求需要的参数
* 详见
* @param openId 支付人openId
* @param outTradeNo 商户端对应订单号
* @param amt 金额(单位元)
* @param body 商品描述
* @param tradeType 交易类型 JSAPI,NATIVE,APP,WAP
* @param ip 发起支付的客户端IP
* @param notifyUrl 通知地址
* @return
* @deprecated Use<String, String>) instead
Map<String, String> getJSSDKPayInfo(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String notifyUrl);

* 该接口提供所有微信支付订单的查询,当支付通知处理异常戒丢失的情冴,商户可以通过该接口查询订单支付状态。

+ 53
- 20
weixin-java-mp/src/main/java/me/chanjar/weixin/mp/api/ Ver ficheiro

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
@@ -777,35 +778,37 @@ public class WxMpServiceImpl implements WxMpService {

public WxMpPrepayIdResult getPrepayId(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String callbackUrl) {
String nonce_str = System.currentTimeMillis() + "";

SortedMap<String, String> packageParams = new TreeMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> packageParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
packageParams.put("appid", wxMpConfigStorage.getAppId());
packageParams.put("mch_id", wxMpConfigStorage.getPartnerId());
packageParams.put("nonce_str", nonce_str);
packageParams.put("body", body);
packageParams.put("out_trade_no", outTradeNo);

packageParams.put("total_fee", (int) (amt * 100) + "");
packageParams.put("spbill_create_ip", ip);
packageParams.put("notify_url", callbackUrl);
packageParams.put("trade_type", tradeType);
packageParams.put("openid", openId);

return getPrepayId(packageParams);

public WxMpPrepayIdResult getPrepayId(final Map<String, String> parameters) {
String nonce_str = System.currentTimeMillis() + "";

final SortedMap<String, String> packageParams = new TreeMap<String, String>(parameters);
packageParams.put("appid", wxMpConfigStorage.getAppId());
packageParams.put("mch_id", wxMpConfigStorage.getPartnerId());
packageParams.put("nonce_str", nonce_str);

String sign = WxCryptUtil.createSign(packageParams, wxMpConfigStorage.getPartnerKey());
String xml = "<xml>" +
"<appid>" + wxMpConfigStorage.getAppId() + "</appid>" +
"<mch_id>" + wxMpConfigStorage.getPartnerId() + "</mch_id>" +
"<nonce_str>" + nonce_str + "</nonce_str>" +
"<sign>" + sign + "</sign>" +
"<body><![CDATA[" + body + "]]></body>" +
"<out_trade_no>" + outTradeNo + "</out_trade_no>" +
"<total_fee>" + packageParams.get("total_fee") + "</total_fee>" +
"<spbill_create_ip>" + ip + "</spbill_create_ip>" +
"<notify_url>" + callbackUrl + "</notify_url>" +
"<trade_type>" + tradeType + "</trade_type>" +
"<openid>" + openId + "</openid>" +
packageParams.put("sign", sign);

StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder("<xml>");
for (Entry<String, String> para : packageParams.entrySet()) {
request.append(String.format("<%s>%s</%s>", para.getKey(), para.getValue(), para.getKey()));

HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("");
if (httpProxy != null) {
@@ -813,7 +816,7 @@ public class WxMpServiceImpl implements WxMpService {

StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(xml, Consts.UTF_8);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(request.toString(), Consts.UTF_8);
try {
CloseableHttpResponse response = getHttpclient().execute(httpPost);
@@ -828,9 +831,39 @@ public class WxMpServiceImpl implements WxMpService {
return new WxMpPrepayIdResult();

final String[] REQUIRED_ORDER_PARAMETERS = new String[] { "appid", "mch_id", "body", "out_trade_no", "total_fee", "spbill_create_ip", "notify_url",
"trade_type", };

private void checkParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) {
if (!parameters.containsKey(para))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reqiured argument '" + para + "' is missing.");
if ("JSAPI".equals(parameters.get("trade_type")) && !parameters.containsKey("openid"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reqiured argument 'openid' is missing when trade_type is 'JSAPI'.");
if ("NATIVE".equals(parameters.get("trade_type")) && !parameters.containsKey("product_id"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reqiured argument 'product_id' is missing when trade_type is 'NATIVE'.");

public Map<String, String> getJSSDKPayInfo(String openId, String outTradeNo, double amt, String body, String tradeType, String ip, String callbackUrl) {
WxMpPrepayIdResult wxMpPrepayIdResult = getPrepayId(openId, outTradeNo, amt, body, tradeType, ip, callbackUrl);
Map<String, String> packageParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
packageParams.put("appid", wxMpConfigStorage.getAppId());
packageParams.put("mch_id", wxMpConfigStorage.getPartnerId());
packageParams.put("body", body);
packageParams.put("out_trade_no", outTradeNo);
packageParams.put("total_fee", (int) (amt * 100) + "");
packageParams.put("spbill_create_ip", ip);
packageParams.put("notify_url", callbackUrl);
packageParams.put("trade_type", tradeType);
packageParams.put("openid", openId);

return getJSSDKPayInfo(packageParams);

public Map<String, String> getJSSDKPayInfo(Map<String, String> parameters) {
WxMpPrepayIdResult wxMpPrepayIdResult = getPrepayId(parameters);
String prepayId = wxMpPrepayIdResult.getPrepay_id();
if (prepayId == null || prepayId.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException("get prepayid error");

+ 27
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weixin-java-mp/src/main/java/me/chanjar/weixin/mp/bean/result/ Ver ficheiro

@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ public class WxMpPrepayIdResult implements Serializable {
private String result_code;
private String prepay_id;
private String trade_type;
private String err_code;
private String err_code_des;
private String code_url;

public String getReturn_code() {
return return_code;
@@ -94,4 +97,28 @@ public class WxMpPrepayIdResult implements Serializable {
public void setTrade_type(String trade_type) {
this.trade_type = trade_type;
public String getErr_code() {
return err_code;

public void setErr_code(String err_code) {
this.err_code = err_code;

public String getErr_code_des() {
return err_code_des;

public void setErr_code_des(String err_code_des) {
this.err_code_des = err_code_des;

public String getCode_url() {
return code_url;

public void setCode_url(String code_url) {
this.code_url = code_url;
