- #! /usr/bin/python
- import tornado.web
- import tornado.ioloop
- import tornado.httpserver
- import tornado.options
- import os
- import datetime
- import openai
- import asyncio
- from tornado.web import RequestHandler
- from tornado.options import define,options
- from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler
- import openai_async
- import config
- import json
- import traceback
- import aiohttp
- def clearBaiChuanContent(content):
- for ck in config.agentBaiChuanFilterMoel['filterKeys']:
- content = content.replace(ck,'xx')
- return content
- async def talkBaiChuanWithStream(self,message):
- print("{} says {}".format(self.request.remote_ip,message))
- #url = "https://api.baichuan-ai.com/v1/chat/completions"
- #api_key = config.agentServer['agentBaiChuanApiKey']
- url = "https://api.baichuan-ai.com/v1/chat/completions"
- api_key = "9f7d5847897f8090195cdc2c3249d0a7"
- try:
- _msg = json.loads(message)
- try:
- if 'model' in _msg :
- _baichuanModel = _msg['model']
- _real_msg = _msg['messages']
- else:
- _baichuanModel = 'Baichuan2'
- _real_msg = _msg
- except Exception as gmex:
- _baichuanModel = 'Baichuan2'
- _real_msg = _msg
- _data = {
- "model": _baichuanModel,
- "messages": _real_msg,
- "stream": True
- }
- #json_data = json.dumps(_data)
- headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key
- }
- #http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as http_client:
- async with http_client.post(url,headers=headers,json=_data) as resp:
- isDone=False
- while True:
- chunk = await resp.content.read(2048)
- if not chunk:
- break
- chunk_str = chunk.decode()
- #print('chunk_str {}',chunk_str)
- con_list = chunk_str.strip('\n').split('data:')
- for con in con_list:
- con = con.strip()
- if con == "":
- continue
- elif con == '[DONE]':
- isDone=True
- break
- else:
- con_dict = json.loads(con)
- for con_cho in con_dict['choices']:
- self.my_replay_content=self.my_replay_content+con_cho['delta']['content']
- #print('resp',resp)
- #print("1111111111111111111")
- print("response {}",self.my_replay_content)
- if config.agentBaiChuanFilterMoel['isOpen']:
- if resp is not None:
- cContent = clearBaiChuanContent(self.my_replay_content)
- self.my_replay_content=''
- if isDone:
- cContent = cContent+"___talk_end___"
- await self.write_message(cContent)
- #await self.write_message(currentLineContents)
- else:
- if role_conent is not None:
- print('')
- else:
- self.my_replay_content=''
- await self.write_message("___talk_end___")
- else:
- if resp is not None:
- _cont = self.my_replay_content
- if isDone:
- _cont = _cont+"___talk_end___"
- self.my_replay_content=''
- await self.write_message(_cont)
- else:
- self.my_replay_content=''
- await self.write_message("___talk_end___")
- else:
- self.my_replay_content=''
- await self.write_message("___talk_end___")
- except Exception as es:
- print('onMessage error',es)
- self.close()