123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
- <mapper namespace="com.iformall.mapper.KwBoxCmdHistoryMapper">
- <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.iformall.domain.po.KwBoxCmdHistory">
- <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id"/>
- <result column="tenant_id" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="tenantId"/>
- <result column="parent_tenant_id" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="parentTenantId" />
- <result column="imei" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="imei"/>
- <result column="iccid" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="iccid"/>
- <result column="cmd" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="cmd"/>
- <result column="content" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="content"/>
- <result column="device_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="deviceTime"/>
- <result column="create_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createTime"/>
- </resultMap>
- <sql id="allColumns">
- `id`,`tenant_id`,`parent_tenant_id`,`imei`,`iccid`,`content`,`info`,`device_time`,`create_time`
- </sql>
- <sql id="dynamicWhereConditions">
- where 1 = 1
- <if test=" null != id ">
- and `id` = #{id}
- </if>
- <if test=" null != tenantId and '' != tenantId">
- and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
- </if>
- <if test=" null != parentTenantId and '' != parentTenantId">
- and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
- </if>
- <if test=" null != ids ">
- and id in
- <foreach collection="ids" index="index" item="idItem" open="(" separator="," close=")">
- #{idItem}
- </foreach>
- </if>
- <if test=" null != sortColumns">order by ${sortColumns}</if>
- </sql>
- <select id="findList" parameterType="com.iformall.domain.po.KwMeter" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
- select
- <include refid="allColumns"/>
- from kw_box_cmd_history
- <include refid="dynamicWhereConditions"/>
- </select>
- </mapper>