`img_url`,`img_url_h`, `weap_note`, `img_qrcode_weapp`, `img_qrcode_wemp`,
`weapp_share_title`,`weapp_share_cover_img`, `pos_qrcode_rule`,
`sale_type`, `valid_start`, `valid_end`,`business_hours`,`introduction`,`img`,
where id > 1
and `id` = #{id}
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and `name` like concat('%', #{name},'%')
and `group` like concat('%', #{group},'%')
and `country` like concat('%', #{country},'%')
and `province` like concat('%', #{province},'%')
and `city` like concat('%', #{city},'%')
and `addr` like concat('%', #{addr},'%')
and `total_area` = #{totalArea}
and `operating_area` = #{operatingArea}
and `park_area` = #{parkArea}
and `park_place_number` = #{parkPlaceNumber}
and `service_phone` = #{servicePhone}
and `img_url` = #{imgUrl}
and `img_ur_h` = #{imgUrlH}
and `img_qrcode_weapp` = #{imgQrcodeWeapp}
and `img_qrcode_wemp` = #{imgQrcodeWemp}
and `sale_type` = #{saleType}
and `valid_start` = #{validStart}
and `valid_end` = #{validEnd}
and `group_support` = #{groupSupport}
and tenant_id in
and parent_tenant_id in
and id in
order by ${sortColumns}
update wx_mall set parent_tenant_id = null where parent_tenant_id = #{parentTenantId}
update wx_mall set parent_tenant_id = #{parentTenantId} where tenant_id in