`id`,`tenant_id`,`parent_tenant_id`,`user_id`,`type`,`ip`,`action_desc`,`action_time` where 1 = 1 and `id` = #{id} and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and `user_id` = #{userId} and `type` = #{type} and `ip` like concat('%', #{ip},'%') and `action_desc` like concat('%', #{actionDesc},'%') and `action_time` = #{actionTime} and id in #{idItem} order by ${sortColumns} mua.`id`,mua.`tenant_id`,mua.`parent_tenant_id`,mua.`user_id`,mua.`type`,mua.`ip`,mua.`action_desc`,mua.`action_time`,mui.`name` where 1 = 1 and mua.`id` = #{id} and mua.`user_id` = #{userId} and mui.`name` like concat('%', #{name},'%') and mua.`type` = #{type} and mua.`ip` like concat('%', #{ip},'%') and mua.`action_desc` like concat('%', #{actionDesc},'%') and mua.`action_time` = #{actionTime} and mua.`action_time` between #{startdate} and #{enddate} and mua.id in #{idItem} order by ${sortColumns} order by mua.`action_time` desc, mua.`id` desc