`update_date`,`create_date`,`app_id`,`token`,`expire_time`,`latitude`, `longitude`,
`login_count`, `extra_info`, `is_subscribe`,`open_app_id`,`user_id`,
where 1 = 1
and `id` = #{id}
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and `open_id` = #{openId}
and `union_id` = #{unionId}
and `nick_name` like concat('%', #{nickName},'%')
and `gender` = #{gender}
and `avatar_url` like concat('%', #{avatarUrl},'%')
and `phone` like concat('%', #{phone},'%')
and `pure_phone` like concat('%', #{purePhone},'%')
and `city` like concat('%', #{city},'%')
and `province` like concat('%', #{province},'%')
and `language` like concat('%', #{language},'%')
and `country_code` like concat('%', #{countryCode},'%')
and `register_ip` like concat('%', #{registerIp},'%')
and `verify_code_phone` like concat('%', #{verifyCodePhone},'%')
and `qrcode_source` like concat('%', #{qrcodeSource},'%')
and `scene` like concat('%', #{scene},'%')
and `scene_address` like concat('%', #{sceneAddress},'%')
and `session_key` like concat('%', #{sessionKey},'%')
and `score` = #{score}
and `update_date` = #{updateDate}
and `create_date` = #{createDate}
and `app_id` like concat('%', #{appId},'%')
and `token` like concat('%', #{token},'%')
and `expire_time` = #{expireTime}
and `latitude` = #{latitude}
and `longitude` = #{longitude}
and `login_count` = #{loginCount}
and `extra_info` = #{extraInfo}
and `is_subscribe` = #{isSubscribe}
and `open_app_id` = #{openAppId}
and `mp_open_id` = #{mpOpenId}
and `mp_app_id` = #{mpAppId}
and `subs_open_id` = #{subsOpenId}
and `subs_app_id` = #{subsAppId}
and `credit` = #{credit}
and `user_id` = #{userId}
and id in
order by ${sortColumns}