and bill.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and bill.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and date_format(bill.receive_date,'%Y-%m')=#{month} and bill.`status` = #{status} and bill.rent_shop_type = #{rentShopType} and bill.receive_date between #{starttime} and #{endtime} and bill.merchant_id=#{merchantId} and bill.`status` in #{status} and bill.freeze = #{freeze} and = #{id} and bill.`merchant_id` in #{merchantIdItem} order by ${sortColumns} order by bill.receive_date, desc,bill.merchant_id,bill.status and{id} and bill.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and bill.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and bill.merchant_id=#{merchantId} and bill.`status` in #{status} and DATE_FORMAT(bill.receive_date,'%Y-%m') between #{starttime} and #{endtime} and bill.status=#{status} and bill.rent_shop_type = #{rentShopType} order by bill.merchant_id,bill.status desc,bill.receive_date desc and status !=6 and status = #{status} and date_format(receive_date,'%Y-%m')=#{month} and receive_date >= #{starttime} and receive_date <= #{endtime}