where m.is_del = 0
and m.`id` = #{id}
and m.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and m.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and m.`img_url` like concat('%', #{imgUrl},'%')
and m.`encode` like concat('%', #{encode},'%')
and m.`name` like concat('%', #{name},'%')
and m.`link_phone` like concat('%', #{linkPhone},'%')
and m.`link_person` like concat('%', #{linkPerson},'%')
and m.`create_date` = #{createDate}
and m.`update_date` = #{updateDate}
and m.create_date >= #{starttime}
and m.create_date <= #{endtime}
and m.`car_vendor_type` = #{carVendorType}
and m.`business_id` = #{businessId}
and m.business_id in (${businessForRule}) and m.is_del=0
and JSON_CONTAINS(m.business_types,JSON_OBJECT('id', #{businessTypes}))
and m.`sub_business_id` = #{subBusinessId}
and m.`car_params` like concat('%', #{carParams},'%')
and m.`status` = #{status}
and m.`type` = #{type}
and m.`is_public` = #{isPublic}
and m.`is_private` = #{isPrivate}
and m.`email` = #{email}
and m.`is_admin` = #{isAdmin}
and (m.`mark` is null or m.`mark` <> 1)
and m.`mark` = 1
and m.`is_del` = #{isDel}
and m.`brand` = #{brand}
and m.`credit_locked` = #{creditLocked}
and m.id in
and m.id not in
order by ${sortColumns}
update wx_merchant set credit_locked = #{creditLocked} where tenant_id = #{tenantId}
update wx_merchant set cash_out_number = cash_out_number+#{cashOutNumber} where id = #{id}
update wx_merchant set cash_out_number = cash_out_number-#{cashOutNumber}, cash_out_count = cash_out_count+1,cash_out_last_time = now() where id = #{id}
update wx_merchant set cash_out_count = cash_out_count+1 where id = #{id}
update wx_merchant set cash_out_count = 0 where id = #{id}
update wx_merchant set
entry_amount = ifnull(entry_amount,0)+#{entryAmount}
/*,cash_out_number = ifnull(cash_out_number,0)+#{cashOutNumber}*/
where id = #{id}
update wx_merchant set is_del = 1
where id = #{id}