`id`,`tenant_id`,`app_id`,`type`,`user_version`,`version_desc`, `audit_status`,`audit_err_code`,`audit_time` where 1 = 1 and `id` = #{id} and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and `app_id` = #{appId} and `type` = #{type} and `user_version` = #{userVersion} and `auditid` = #{auditid} and `audit_status` = #{auditStatus} and `audit_time` = #{auditTime} and id in #{idItem} order by ${sortColumns} update wx_weapp_audit_status set `user_version` = #{userVersion}, `version_desc` = #{versionDesc}, `audit_status` = #{auditStatus}, `audit_err_code` = #{auditErrCode}, `audit_time` = #{auditTime} where `app_id` = #{appId} and `type` = #{type} c.`id`,c.`tenant_id`,c.`app_id`,c.`type`,c.`user_version`,`version_desc`, c.`audit_status`,c.`audit_err_code`,c.`audit_time`, a.`name` where 1 = 1 and c.`id` = #{id} and c.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and c.`app_id` = #{appId} and c.`type` = #{type} and c.`user_version` = #{userVersion} and c.`audit_status` = #{auditStatus} and c.`audit_time` = #{auditTime} and a.`name` like concat('%', #{name},'%') and id in #{idItem} order by ${sortColumns}