`id`,`tenant_id`,`parent_tenant_id`,`card_id`,`owner_id`,`merchant_id`,`order_id`,`pos_order_id`, `deduction_amount`,`payment`,`real_payment`, `card_remain_amount`, `card_before_amount`,`card_remain_real_amount`,`card_before_real_amount`, `create_date`, `update_date`, `pay_status`, `pay_from` where 1 = 1 and `id` = #{id} and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and `card_id` = #{cardId} and `owner_id` = #{ownerId} and `merchant_id` = #{merchantId} and `order_id` = #{orderId} and `pos_order_id` = #{posOrderId} and `deduction_amount` = #{deductionAmount} and `payment` = #{payment} and `real_payment` = #{realPayment} and `card_remain_amount` = #{cardRemainAmount} and `card_before_amount` = #{cardBeforeAmount} and `card_remain_real_amount` = #{cardRemainRealAmount} and `card_before_real_amount` = #{cardBeforeRealAmount} and `create_date` = #{createDate} and `update_date` = #{updateDate} and `pay_status` = #{payStatus} and `pay_from` = #{payFrom} and `create_date` between #{startdate} and #{enddate} and id in #{idItem} order by ${sortColumns} delete from wx_card_spend where `tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and `id` = #{id} and `pay_status` = #{payStatus} cs.`id`,cs.`tenant_id`,cs.`parent_tenant_id`,cs.`card_id`,cs.`owner_id`,cs.`merchant_id`,cs.`order_id`,cs.`deduction_amount`,cs.`payment`,cs.`real_payment`, cs.`card_remain_amount`,cs.`card_before_amount`,cs.`card_remain_real_amount`,cs.`card_before_real_amount`, cs.`create_date`,cs.`update_date`, cs.`pay_status`, m.`name`, c.`title`, ms.`subsidy`,ms.`real_subsidy`,ms.`status`, ou.`nick_name` as onick_name, ou.`phone` as ou_phone where 1 = 1 and cs.`id` = #{id} and cs.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and cs.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and cs.`card_id` = #{cardId} and cs.`owner_id` = #{ownerId} and cs.`merchant_id` = #{merchantId} and cs.`order_id` = #{orderId} and cs.`deduction_amount` = #{deductionAmount} and cs.`payment` = #{payment} and cs.`real_payment` = #{realPayment} and cs.`card_remain_amount` = #{cardRemainAmount} and cs.`card_before_amount` = #{cardBeforeAmount} and cs.`card_remain_real_amount` = #{cardRemainRealAmount} and cs.`card_before_real_amount` = #{cardBeforeRealAmount} and cs.`pay_status` = #{payStatus} and ms.`status` = #{status} and ( ms.source is null or ms.source in #{sourceItem} ) and ( ms.card_spend_list_show is null or ms.card_spend_list_show = #{cardSpendListShow} ) and ou.`phone` = #{ouPhone} and cs.`create_date` between #{startdate} and #{enddate} and cs.`pay_status` in #{sItem} and cs.id in #{idItem}