`id`,`tenant_id`,`parent_tenant_id`,`coupon_id`,`title`,`send_type`,`conditions`,`status`,`create_date`,`update_date`,`send_sms`,`operator_id`, cs.conditions -> '$.merchantSend' as merchantSend, cs.conditions -> '$.merchantLnventory' as merchantLnventory, cs.conditions -> '$.merchantRemain' as merchantRemain where 1 = 1 and cs.id = #{id} and cs.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and cs.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} and cs.coupon_id = #{couponId} and cs.title like concat('%', #{title},'%') and cs.send_type = #{sendType} and cs.status = #{status} and cs.create_date = #{createDate} and cs.update_date = #{updateDate} and cs.conditions -> '$.title' like concat('%',#{merchantName},'%') and cs.conditions->'$.id' = concat(#{merchantId},'') and cs.conditions -> '$.merchantRemain'> #{merchantRemain} and cs.coupon_id in #{couponIdItem} and cs.id in #{idItem} and cs.send_sms = #{sendSms} order by ${sortColumns} order by ${sortCol} delete from wx_coupon_send cs where cs.id = #{id} and cs.tenant_id = #{tenantId} update wx_coupon_send set status=#{status} where coupon_id=#{couponId} and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId} and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId} update wx_coupon_send set conditions=#{conditions},update_date = #{updateDate} where send_type = #{sendType} and tenant_id = #{tenantId} update wx_coupon_send cs, wx_coupon c set cs.status=1, cs.update_date = now() where c.id = cs.coupon_id and cs.status = 0 and cs.tenant_id = #{tenantId} and ((c.status = 1) or (c.valid_type = 1 and c.valid_end_date < now())) update wx_coupon_send SET conditions = JSON_SET(conditions, '$.merchantRemain', #{merchantRemain} - #{number} , '$.merchantSend', #{merchantSend} + #{number}) where id = #{id} and conditions -> '$.merchantRemain' = #{merchantRemain} update wx_coupon_send SET conditions = JSON_SET(conditions, '$.merchantRemain', #{merchantRemain} + #{number} , '$.merchantSend', #{merchantSend} - #{number}) where id = #{id} and conditions -> '$.merchantRemain' = #{merchantRemain}