`type`,`point_type`,`comments`,`is_del`,DATEDIFF(now(),create_date) freeDay,rent,rent_unit,business_id
where is_del=0
and `id` = #{id}
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and `shop_number` like concat('%', #{shopNumber},'%')
and `build_area` like concat('%', #{buildArea},'%')
and `operation_area` like concat('%', #{operationArea},'%')
and `building` like concat('%', #{building},'%')
and `floor` = #{floor}
and `status` = #{status}
and `x` = #{x}
and `y` = #{y}
and `sid` = #{sid}
and `addr` like concat('%', #{addr},'%')
and `baidu_poi` like concat('%', #{baiduPoi},'%')
and `longitude` = #{longitude}
and `latitude` = #{latitude}
and `create_date` = #{createDate}
and `update_date` = #{updateDate}
and `manager` = #{manager}
and `manager_phone` = #{managerPhone}
and `type` = #{type}
and `point_type` = #{pointType}
and `floor` in (${floorForRule})
and id in
order by ${sortColumns}
from wx_shop
select count(id)
from wx_shop
select id
from wx_shop
s.`type`,s.`point_type`,s.`comments`,s.`is_del`,DATEDIFF(now(),s.create_date) freeDay,s.rent,s.rent_unit,s.business_id
from wx_shop s
where s.is_del=0
and s.id in
select s.id id, s.tenant_id tenantId, s.parent_tenant_id parentTenantId, s.shop_number shopNumber,CONVERT(s.build_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) buildArea,
s.img_url imgUrl,CONVERT(s.operation_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) operationArea,s.status,s.type,s.point_type pointType,s.addr,DATEDIFF(now(),s.create_date) freeDay,
s.business_id as businessId,s.create_date create_date,s.rent,s.rent_unit,s.building as buildingId,s.floor as floorId,s.manager,s.manager_phone managerPhone
from wx_shop s
where s.is_del=0
and s.`type` = #{type}
and s.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and s.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and s.`status` = #{status}
and s.`building`= #{building}
and s.`floor` = #{floor}
and s.`id` = #{id}
and s.`shop_number` like concat('%', #{shopNumber},'%')
and s.`build_area` like concat('%', #{buildArea},'%')
and s.`operation_area` like concat('%', #{operationArea},'%')
and s.`x` = #{x}
and s.`y` = #{y}
and s.`sid` = #{sid}
and s.`addr` like concat('%', #{addr},'%')
and s.`baidu_poi` like concat('%', #{baiduPoi},'%')
and s.`longitude` = #{longitude}
and s.`latitude` = #{latitude}
and s.`create_date` = #{createDate}
and s.`update_date` = #{updateDate}
and s.`manager` = #{manager}
and s.`manager_phone` = #{managerPhone}
and s.`point_type` = #{pointType}
and s.id in
order by ${sortColumns}
select s.id as id, s.tenant_id tenantId, s.parent_tenant_id parentTenantId, s.shop_number shopNumber,s.build_area buildArea,
s.img_url imgUrl,s.operation_area operationArea,s.status,s.manager,s.manager_phone managerPhone,s.type,s.point_type pointType,s.addr,DATEDIFF(now(),s.create_date) freeDay,
s.create_date as createDate,s.building as buildingId,s.floor as floorId
from wx_shop s
where s.is_del=0
and s.`id` = #{id}
and s.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and s.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and s.`shop_number` like concat('%', #{shopNumber},'%')
and s.`status` = #{status}
and s.`type` = #{type}
and s.`point_type` = #{pointType}
order by ${sortColumn} ${sortOrder}
order by ${sortColumns}
s.id as id,s.shop_number,s.build_area,s.img_url,s.operation_area,s.status,s.manager,s.manager_phone,s.addr,s.type,s.point_type,
from wx_shop s
where s.is_del=0
and s.`id` = #{id}
and s.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and s.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and s.`shop_number` like concat('%', #{shopNumber},'%')
and s.`build_area` like concat('%', #{buildArea},'%')
and s.`operation_area` like concat('%', #{operationArea},'%')
and s.`building`= #{building}
and s.`floor` = #{floor}
and s.`status` = #{status}
and s.`x` = #{x}
and s.`y` = #{y}
and s.`sid` = #{sid}
and s.`addr` like concat('%', #{addr},'%')
and s.`baidu_poi` like concat('%', #{baiduPoi},'%')
and s.`longitude` = #{longitude}
and s.`latitude` = #{latitude}
and s.`create_date` = #{createDate}
and s.`update_date` = #{updateDate}
and s.`manager` = #{manager}
and s.`manager_phone` = #{managerPhone}
and s.`type` = #{type}
and s.`point_type` = #{pointType}
and s.business_id = #{businessId}
and s.id in
order by ${sortColumns}
select id,shop_number shopNumber from wx_shop
where shop_number = #{shopNumber} and is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
s.id,s.build_area buildArea,s.operation_area operationArea,s.shop_number shopNumber, s.manager, s.manager_phone managerPhone
from wx_shop s
where s.id = #{id} and s.is_del=0
select count(id) shopcount,IFNULL(sum(build_area),0) area from wx_shop
where status=#{status} and is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
select s.id id,s.shop_number shopNumber,s.build_area buildArea,s.building as buildingId,s.floor as floorId,
s.img_url imgUrl,s.operation_area operationArea,s.manager,s.manager_phone managerPhone,s.status,s.create_date
from wx_shop s
where s.is_del=0
and s.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and s.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and s.`status` = #{status}
and s.id not in(
and s.`type` = #{type}
and s.`point_type` = #{pointType}
and s.shop_number = #{shopNumber}
and b.building_name like concat('%', #{building},'%')
and m.`name` like concat('%', #{merchantName},'%')
order by ${sortColumns}
select count(1) from wx_shop where shop_number=#{shopNumber} and `type`=#{type}
and is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and id != #{id}
select count(1) from wx_shop where sid=#{sid}
and is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and id != #{id}
select count(1) from wx_shop w where w.is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and `parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
and `type`=#{type}
and status = #{status}
and building = #{building}
and floor = #{floor}
and `create_date` >= #{startdate}
and `create_date` <= #{enddate}
and business_id = #{businessId}
update wx_shop set status = 0
where id in
select s.id id, s.tenant_id tenantId, s.parent_tenant_id parentTenantId, s.shop_number shopNumber,CONVERT(s.build_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) buildArea,
s.img_url imgUrl,CONVERT(s.operation_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) operationArea,
s.status,s.manager,s.manager_phone managerPhone,
s.type,s.point_type pointType,s.addr,DATEDIFF(now(),s.create_date) freeDay,s.rent,s.rent_unit,s.business_id as businessId,s.create_date,
s.building as buildingId,s.floor as floorId
from wx_shop s where s.`id` = #{id}
s.id id, s.tenant_id tenantId, s.parent_tenant_id parentTenantId, s.shop_number shopNumber,
CONVERT(s.build_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) buildArea,
s.img_url imgUrl,CONVERT(s.operation_area,DECIMAL(10,2)) operationArea,
s.status,s.manager,s.manager_phone managerPhone,s.type,s.point_type pointType,s.addr,DATEDIFF(now(),s.create_date) freeDay,s.rent,s.rent_unit,
s.business_id as businessId,s.create_date,s.building as buildingId,s.floor as floorId
from wx_shop s where s.`is_del` = 0 and s.`sid` = #{sid}
and s.`tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and s.`parent_tenant_id` = #{parentTenantId}
select id,shop_number shopNumber,img_url imgUrl,addr,building,floor,baidu_poi baiduPoi,manager_phone linkPhone,manager linkPerson
from wx_shop
where is_del=0
and `tenant_id` = #{tenantId}
and id in