You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

пре 6 година
  1. <view class="i-class i-tab-bar-item">
  2. <i-badge dot="{{ dot }}" count="{{ dot ? 0 : count }}">
  3. <view>
  4. <i-icon wx:if="{{ icon || currentIcon }}" i-class="i-tab-bar-item-icon {{ current ? 'item-index--i-tab-bar-item-icon-current' : '' }}" color="{{ current ? currentColor : '' }}" type="{{ current ? currentIcon : icon }}" size="22"></i-icon>
  5. <image wx:else class="i-tab-bar-item-img" src="{{ current ? currentImg : img }}"></image>
  6. <view class="i-tab-bar-item-title {{ current ? 'i-tab-bar-item-title-current' : '' }}" wx:if="{{ current && currentColor }}" style="color: {{ currentColor }}">{{ title }}</view>
  7. <view class="i-tab-bar-item-title {{ current ? 'i-tab-bar-item-title-current' : '' }}" wx:else>{{ title }}</view>
  8. </view>
  9. </i-badge>
  10. </view>