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  7. <text>黑椒牛排<text>限购一件</text></text>
  8. <text>剩余时间:<text>2天12小时25分钟</text></text>
  9. <text>剩余件数:<text>19件</text></text>
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  12. <text>¥1.00</text>
  13. <text>¥59.00</text>
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  22. <text>iFORMALL(西单大悦城店)</text>
  23. <text>北京市西城区西单北大街131号</text>
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  33. <text>购买须知</text>
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  36. <text><text class='spot'></text>有效期2018.01.16 至 2018.09.20</text>
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  42. <text><text class='spot'></text>每桌限用2张</text>
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  45. <button bindtap='orderfunc' class='buy'>立即购买</button>
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