- const navigationBarHeight = (getApp().statusBarHeight + 44) + 'px'
- const extConfig = wx.getExtConfigSync ? wx.getExtConfigSync() : {}
- let app = getApp();
- const format = require("../utils/util.js");
- let config = require("../config/config.js");
- let Http = require("../utils/HttpBasics");
- let Util = require("../utils/util");
- const imgurl = require("../utils/imgurl");
- Page({
- data: {
- navigationBarHeight,
- jianUrl: imgurl.jian.url,
- jianBlueUrl: imgurl.jianBlue.url,
- jiaofeiwm: imgurl.jiaofeiwm.url,
- parkUrl: imgurl.park.url,
- guanliHr: imgurl.guanliHr.url,
- qidaiUrl: imgurl.qidai.url,
- addUrl: imgurl.add.url,
- tingcheHr: imgurl.tingcheHr.url,
- cheUrl: imgurl.che.url,
- jiaofei: imgurl.jiaofei.url,
- wentiHr: imgurl.wentiHr.url,
- stopThat: imgurl.stopThat.url,
- park: null,
- carList: [],
- payList: [],
- addCar: null,
- tcq: 2,
- flag: "",
- extraData: {},
- desc: '',
- title: '',
- indicatorDots: true,
- autoplay: false,
- interval: 5000,
- duration: 1000,
- current: 0,
- stopFees: {},
- scroll: true,
- ifHaveCarModular: "",
- canIUse: wx.canIUse("navigator"),
- showTicketModal: false,
- ticketList: [],
- noCoupon: imgurl.noCoupon.url,
- loadingUrl: imgurl.loading.url,
- allow_load: true,
- curPageNum: 1,
- curPageSize: 15,
- curTotalpageNum: 0,
- quantitle: '',
- quanid: '',
- gouHr: imgurl.gouHr.url,
- totalTicketNum: 0,
- remark: '',
- generalPayPath: '',
- generalExtraData: {},
- goHomeUrl: "",
- supportPay: ""
- },
- getMoreList(e) {
- let totalNum = this.data.ticketList.length;
- if (this.data.curPageNum < this.data.curTotalpageNum) {
- this.setData({
- curPageNum: this.data.curPageNum + 1
- })
- this.getTicketList(0, this.data.curPageNum);
- }
- },
- /**
- * 选择使用的优惠券
- */
- choicecoupon: function (e) {
- var that = this;
- wx.showModal({
- title: '确定是否使用停车券',
- content: '使用后无法撤销',
- success(res) {
- if (res.confirm) {
- var quantitle = e.currentTarget.dataset.title;
- var quanid = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
- that.setData({
- quanid: quanid,
- showTicketModal: false,
- });
- that.bindCoupon(that.data.quanid, quantitle);
- } else if (res.cancel) {
- console.log('用户点击取消')
- }
- }
- })
- },
- /*
- */
- getTicketList(key, pageNum) {
- var that = this;
- if (that.data.allow_load) {
- wx.showLoading({
- title: "加载中"
- });
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.couponOrderCarList,
- data: {
- pageNum: pageNum,
- pageSize: 15,
- couponOrderStatus: key
- }
- }).then(res => {
- that.setData({
- curTotalpageNum: res.data.pages,
- curPageNum: res.data.pageNum,
- totalTicketNum: res.data.total
- })
- res.data.list.map(file => {
- file.expiredTime = format.formatTime(
- file.expiredTime,
- "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
- );
- });
- setTimeout(function () {
- wx.hideLoading();
- }, 1200);
- if (pageNum >= res.data.pages) {
- that.setData({
- allow_load: false
- });
- }
- /**
- * 先赋值后渲染页面
- * concat 不会改变原数组值
- * push 会改变原数组值,但不会一条一条插入,而是整个数组插入
- */
- if (pageNum == 1) {
- that.setData({
- ticketList: res.data.list,
- curPageNum: pageNum
- });
- } else {
- that.setData({
- ticketList: that.data.ticketList.concat(res.data.list)
- });
- }
- // that.data.ticketList = that.data.ticketList.concat(res.data.list);
- wx.hideLoading();
- })
- .catch(err => {
- setTimeout(function () {
- wx.hideLoading();
- }, 1200);
- wx.showToast({
- title: err.errMsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000,
- mask: false
- });
- })
- } else { }
- },
- //点击跳转到券详情页面
- gotouse: function (e) {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/passCar/couponDetail/couponDetail?quancode=${e.currentTarget.dataset.quancode
- }`,
- success: function (res) {
- // success
- },
- fail: function () {
- // fail
- },
- complete: function () {
- // complete
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 车牌轮播滑动
- */
- onSlideChangeEnd: function (e) {
- var that = this;
- /**
- * 获得当前的车牌号码
- */
- var listCardNum = (that.data.carList)[e.detail.current].carNumber;
- that.setData({
- listCardNum: listCardNum
- });
- /**
- * 获得停车费用
- */
- if (that.data.scroll) {
- that.getStopFee(listCardNum);
- }
- },
- callPay(data) {
- wx.requestPayment({
- timeStamp: data.timeStamp,
- nonceStr: data.nonceStr,
- package: data.package,
- signType: data.signType ? data.signType : "MD5",
- paySign: data.paySign,
- success: res => {
- wx.showLoading({
- title: '订单正在处理中...',
- })
- this.showList()
- },
- fail: res => {
- wx.hideLoading();
- wx.showToast({
- title: '支付失败',
- icon: 'error'
- })
- /**
- * 支付失败,需要更新订单的状态
- */
- },
- complete: res => { }
- });
- },
- //停车费用为0
- paySuccess: function () {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '支付成功',
- content: '请15分钟内离场',
- showCancel: false
- })
- },
- // supportPay等于1时
- goToPay() {
- Http.post({
- url: '/car/createPayOrder',
- data: {
- carNumber: this.data.listCardNum,
- carFee: String(this.data.stopFees.remainingFee * 100)
- }
- }).then(res => {
- console.log(res, 'res');
- const data = res.data.data
- this.callPay(data)
- }).catch(err => {
- console.log(err, 'err');
- wx.showToast({
- title: err.message,
- icon: 'none',
- mask: true
- })
- })
- },
- gotomange: function () {
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/managelicenseplate/managelicenseplate',
- })
- }).catch(err => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/getphoneInfo/index?mineFlag=passCar`,
- })
- })
- },
- bindfail: function (res) {
- console.log(123)
- console.log(res)
- },
- gotoCarMini: function (e) {
- console.log(478)
- var that = this
- // etcp parkVendor1
- // 泊链停车 parkVendor5
- let data = null
- if (e.target.dataset.flag == 'parkVendor1') {
- data = {
- appId: that.data.etcpAppId,
- extraData: that.data.extraData,
- envVersion: that.data.carMiniVersion,
- path: that.data.payPath
- }
- wx.navigateToMiniProgram(data)
- console.log(data, 'parkVendor1');
- } else if (e.target.dataset.flag == 'parkVendor5') {
- data = {
- appId: that.data.bolinkAppId,
- extraData: that.data.extraData,
- envVersion: that.data.carMiniVersion,
- path: that.data.payPath
- }
- wx.navigateToMiniProgram(data)
- console.log(data, 'parkVendor5');
- }
- },
- showquan: function () {
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/passCar/couponList/couponList',
- })
- }).catch(err => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/getphoneInfo/index?mineFlag=passCar`,
- })
- })
- },
- showList: function () {
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/passCar/showList/showList',
- })
- }).catch(err => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/getphoneInfo/index?mineFlag=passCar`,
- })
- })
- },
- gotodetail: function (e) {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '缴费规则',
- content: e.target.dataset.rule,
- showCancel: false,
- })
- },
- onShow: function (options) {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- this.setData({
- goHomeUrl: app.globalData.goHomeUrl
- })
- if (typeof this.getTabBar === 'function' &&
- this.getTabBar()) {
- this.getTabBar().setData({
- selected: 2
- })
- }
- that.setData({
- etcpAppId: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpAppId,
- carMiniVersion: extConfig.attr.car.version,
- etcpCallbackUrl: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpCallbackUrl,
- payPath: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.payPath,
- ifHaveCarModular: extConfig.attr.ifHaveCarModular
- })
- console.log(this.data.ifHaveCarModular, 'ifHaveCarModular');
- if (app.globalData.token) {
- that.getList();
- that.init();
- } else {
- that.init();
- }
- /**
- * 只有用户选择了优惠券
- * 才会进行券和车牌的绑定
- */
- /* if (wx.getStorageSync("chosed") && that.data.quanid) {
- that.getStopFee(that.data.listCardNum);
- that.bindCoupon(that.data.quanid);
- wx.setStorage({
- key: 'chosed',
- data: '',
- })
- }; */
- if (app.globalData.token) {
- // that.initUsrCarList();
- that.initUsrCarList("flags");
- that.setData({
- current: 0
- })
- }
- if (that.data.addCar) {
- // 绑车牌
- if (app.globalData.carLogin) {
- that.bindCar(that.data.addCar);
- } else {
- that.bindCar(that.data.addCar);
- }
- that.setData({
- addCar: null
- });
- }
- this.getTicketList(0, 1);
- }).catch(err => {
- that.setData({
- etcpAppId: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpAppId,
- carMiniVersion: extConfig.attr.car.version,
- etcpCallbackUrl: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpCallbackUrl,
- payPath: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.payPath,
- ifHaveCarModular: extConfig.attr.ifHaveCarModular
- })
- that.initPark();
- that.getParkStatus();
- })
- },
- cancelMove: function () {
- console.log(111)
- return false;
- },
- onHide: function () {
- this.setData({
- allow_load: true,
- showTicketModal: false,
- curPageNum: 1,
- ticketList: []
- })
- },
- onLoad: function (options) {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- /**
- * 获得分享小程序的
- * title
- * desc
- */
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.getWeapNote,
- data: {
- appId: config.weapp.AppId,
- }
- })
- .then(res => {
- let weapNote = JSON.parse(res.data.weapNote);
- that.setData({
- desc: weapNote.carpage.desc,
- title: weapNote.carpage.title
- })
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.log(err);
- })
- // 登录
- var scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene);
- that.setData({
- scene: scene
- });
- if (app.globalData.token) { } else {
- // app.getLocation();
- that.userLogin()
- }
- }).catch(err => {
- return
- })
- },
- /**
- * 用户登录
- */
- userLogin: function () {
- var that = this;
- // 登录
- wx.login({
- success: ({
- code
- }) => {
- wx.getSystemInfo({
- success: function (res) {
- that.setData({
- systemInfo: JSON.stringify(res)
- })
- }
- })
- var usrdata = {
- appId: config.weapp.AppId,
- code: code,
- sceneAddress: app.globalData.sceneAddress,
- scene: that.data.scene,
- systemInfo: that.data.systemInfo
- };
- if (app.globalData.locationInfo) {
- usrdata = {
- appId: config.weapp.AppId,
- code: code,
- sceneAddress: app.globalData.sceneAddress,
- latitude: "" + app.globalData.locationInfo.latitude,
- longitude: "" + app.globalData.locationInfo.longitude,
- scene: that.data.scene,
- systemInfo: that.data.systemInfo
- };
- }
- Http.post({
- url: config.api.login,
- data: usrdata
- })
- .then(res => {
- app.globalData.token = res.data.token;
- Http.setToken(res.data.token);
- that.checkUserCarStatus();
- that.getList();
- that.init();
- that.initUsrCarList();
- return Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkUserStatus,
- data: {}
- });
- })
- .then(res => { })
- .catch(err => {
- if (err.code == 11004) {
- // 用户昵称未授权
- wx.redirectTo({
- url: "/pages/getuserinfo/index"
- });
- } else {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: err.errMsg,
- showCancel: false
- })
- }
- });
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 检查用户是否有车
- */
- checkUserCarStatus: function () {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.userCarCount,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- if (res.data > 0) {
- // 用户名下有车
- app.globalData.phone = res.data.phone;
- app.globalData.supportCar = true;
- // 共同登录
- that.userCarLogin();
- }
- })
- .catch(err => { })
- },
- jumpToAdd: function () {
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/addPark/addPark?flags=managepalte`
- });
- }).catch(err => {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: '登陆后方可添加车牌,现在登录?',
- showCancel: true,
- complete: (res) => {
- if (res.cancel) {
- return
- }
- if (res.confirm) {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/getphoneInfo/index?mineFlag=passCar`,
- })
- }
- }
- })
- })
- },
- passc: function () {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/ques/ques',
- })
- },
- goExplain: function () {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/tcExplain/tcExplain',
- })
- },
- /**
- * 券绑定车牌
- */
- bindCoupon: function (quanid, quantitle) {
- wx.showLoading({
- title: '使用中...',
- })
- var that = this;
- /**
- * etcp
- */
- var postCouponData = {
- etcpToken: app.globalData.etcpToken,
- carNumber: that.data.listCardNum,
- couponOrderId: quanid
- };
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 2) {
- // 停简单
- postCouponData = {
- carNumber: that.data.listCardNum
- }
- }
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 4) {
- // 尚安
- postCouponData = {
- carNumber: that.data.listCardNum,
- couponOrderId: quanid
- }
- }
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 5) {
- // 泊链
- postCouponData = {
- carNumber: that.data.listCardNum,
- orderId: that.data.bolinkOrderId,
- couponOrderId: quanid
- }
- }
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor >= 6) {
- console.log(123456789)
- postCouponData = {
- carNumber: that.data.listCardNum,
- // orderId: that.data.bolinkOrderId,
- couponOrderId: quanid,
- parkOrderId: that.data.stopFees.orderId
- }
- }
- Http.post({
- url: config.api.getCarCoupon,
- data: postCouponData
- })
- .then(res => {
- wx.hideLoading()
- // if(res.data){
- that.getStopFee(that.data.listCardNum);
- that.initUsrCarList();
- that.setData({
- quantitle: quantitle, //接口条用成功后在赋值
- })
- // }else{
- // wx.showToast({
- // title: res.message,
- // icon: 'none',
- // duration: 3000,
- // mask: false
- // });
- // }
- })
- .catch(err => {
- wx.hideLoading()
- if (err.message != undefined) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: err.message,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 3000,
- mask: false
- });
- }
- })
- },
- /**
- * 选择优惠券
- */
- // gotoquan: function () {
- // let that = this;
- // if (that.data.quanid) {
- // wx.navigateTo({
- // url: `/pages/passCar/choicecoupon/choicecoupon?quanid=${that.data.quanid}`,
- // })
- // } else {
- // wx.navigateTo({
- // url: '/pages/passCar/choicecoupon/choicecoupon',
- // })
- // }
- // },
- closeTicketModal: function () {
- this.setData({
- showTicketModal: false
- })
- },
- /**
- * 停车券 弹框
- */
- openTicketModal: function () {
- this.setData({
- showTicketModal: true,
- allow_load: true,
- ticketList: [],
- curPageNum: 1,
- })
- this.getTicketList(0, 1);
- /* if (!this.data.ticketList.length){
- this.getTicketList(0, 1);
- } */
- },
- //获取名下停车券列表
- getList() {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.couponOrderCarList + "?type=5&couponOrderStatus=0",
- data: {
- pageNum: 1,
- pageSize: 15,
- couponOrderStatus: 0
- }
- }).then(res => {
- that.setData({
- couponList: res.data.list
- });
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.log(err)
- })
- },
- /**
- * 共同登录
- */
- init: function (carNumber) {
- var that = this;
- app.parkInitCallback = token => {
- that.initPark();
- that.getParkStatus();
- if (!app.globalData.carLogin) {
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkUserStatus,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- app.globalData.type = 'pc'
- /**
- * 判断是否授权手机号
- */
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus,
- data: {}
- })
- .then(res => {
- Http.post({
- url: config.api.carInit,
- data: {
- phone: app.globalData.phone
- }
- }).then(res => {
- app.globalData.carLogin = true;
- app.globalData.parkVendor = res.data.vendor;
- if (res.data.token) {
- app.globalData.etcpToken = res.data.token;
- }
- if (res.data.supportPay && res.data.supportPay == 1) {
- that.setData({
- supportPay: 1
- })
- } else {
- that.setData({
- supportPay: 0
- })
- }
- /**
- * 获得停车费用
- */
- that.initUsrCarList("flags");
- });
- })
- .catch(err => {
- if (err.code == 11005) {
- // 用户手机未授权
- /**
- * 将值传到用户手机号授权的页面
- *
- */
- wx.redirectTo({
- url: "/pages/getphoneInfo/index"
- });
- } else if (err.code == 11006) {
- // 用户手机已加密
- wx.redirectTo({
- url: "/pages/phoneinput/phoneinput"
- });
- } else {
- wx.showToast({
- title: err.errMsg,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000,
- mask: false
- });
- }
- })
- }).catch(err => {
- app.globalData.type = 'pc'
- if (err.code == 11004) {
- // 用户昵称未授权
- wx.redirectTo({
- url: "/pages/getuserinfo/index"
- });
- } else {
- wx.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: err.errMsg,
- showCancel: false
- })
- }
- });
- }
- };
- if (app.globalData.token && app.globalData.token != null) {
- app.parkInitCallback(app.globalData.token);
- }
- },
- bindCar: function (carNum) {
- var that = this;
- // ETCP
- var etcpData = {
- etcpToken: app.globalData.etcpToken,
- carNumber: carNum
- };
- var otherData = {
- carNumber: carNum
- };
- var postData = app.globalData.parkVendor == 1 ? etcpData : otherData;
- Http.post({
- url: config.api.bindCar,
- data: postData
- })
- .then(res => {
- that.setData({
- addCar: null
- });
- that.initUsrCarList();
- wx.showModal({
- title: "提示",
- showCancel: false,
- content: "绑车牌成功!",
- success: function () { }
- });
- })
- .catch(error => {
- wx.showModal({
- title: "提示",
- showCancel: false,
- content: error.data.message,
- success: function () { }
- });
- });
- },
- /**
- * 车场信息获取
- */
- initPark: function () {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.getParkInfo,
- data: {}
- })
- .then(res => {
- that.setData({
- park: res.data
- })
- if (res.data) {
- app.globalData.parkVendor = res.data.vendorType;
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 1) {
- console.log("payPath: " + extConfig.attr.car.etcp.payPath)
- // etcp
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- etcpAppId: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpAppId,
- carMiniVersion: extConfig.attr.car.version,
- etcpCallbackUrl: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.etcpCallbackUrl,
- payPath: extConfig.attr.car.etcp.payPath
- })
- } else if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 2) {
- // TJD
- var vendorObj = JSON.parse(res.data.vendorParams)
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- tjdAppId: extConfig.attr.car.tjd.tjdAppId,
- carMiniVersion: extConfig.attr.car.version,
- payPath: extConfig.attr.car.tjd.payPath
- })
- } else if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 5) {
- // 泊链
- var vendorObj = JSON.parse(res.data.vendorParams)
- console.log("payPath: " + extConfig.attr.car.bolink.payPath)
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- bolinkAppId: extConfig.attr.car.bolink.bolinkAppId,
- carMiniVersion: extConfig.attr.car.version,
- payPath: extConfig.attr.car.bolink.payPath,
- bolinkComId: vendorObj.comid,
- bolinkUnionId: vendorObj.union_id
- })
- }
- }
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.log(err);
- // wx.showToast({
- // title: err.message,
- // icon: 'none',
- // duration: 2000,
- // mask: false
- // });
- })
- },
- /**
- * 车场状态获取
- */
- getParkStatus: function () {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.getParkStatus,
- })
- .then(res => {
- console.log(res)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.log(err)
- // wx.showToast({
- // title: err.message,
- // icon:"none"
- // })
- })
- },
- /**
- * 绑定车获取
- */
- initUsrCarList: function (flag) {
- var that = this;
- Http.get({
- url: config.api.getUserCarList,
- data: {}
- }).then(res => {
- that.setData({
- carList: res.data
- });
- /**
- * flag ==flags
- * 表示从首页onShow进来的
- */
- if (flag == "flags" && res.data.length > 0) {
- var listCardNum = res.data[0].carNumber;
- that.setData({
- listCardNum: listCardNum
- })
- /**
- * 获得停车费用
- */
- that.getStopFee(listCardNum);
- }
- })
- .catch(err => {
- wx.showToast({
- title: err.message,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000,
- mask: false
- });
- })
- },
- /**
- * 获得停车费用修改
- */
- getStopFee: function (carNumber) {
- let that = this;
- let postData =
- app.globalData.parkVendor == 1 ? {
- etcpToken: app.globalData.etcpToken,
- carNumber: carNumber
- } : {
- carNumber: carNumber
- };
- Http.post({
- url: config.api.getCarStopFee,
- data: postData
- })
- .then(res => {
- console.log(res)
- if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 1) { // ETCP
- var extraDataStr = {
- params: {
- token: app.globalData.etcpToken,
- syncId: res.data.orderId,
- payType: 6, // 小程序支付
- CarNumber: carNumber,
- returnUrl: that.data.etcpCallbackUrl,
- source: "FUMAO-001",
- actionId: "1" //操作ID,1:小程序支付
- }
- }
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- extraData: extraDataStr,
- stopFees: res.data,
- timecha: Util.timecha(res.data.exitTime, res.data.entranceTime)
- });
- } else if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 2) { // TJD // TODO
- var extraDataStr = {
- prePayType: that.data.prePayType,
- channel: res.data.channel,
- isShowDetail: true,
- orderId: res.data.orderId
- }
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- extraData: extraDataStr,
- stopFees: {
- orderId: res.data.orderId,
- entranceTime: res.data.start_time,
- remainingFee: res.data.money
- },
- timecha: res.data.duration
- });
- } else if (app.globalData.parkVendor == 5) { // BoLink
- var extraDataStr = {
- union_id: that.data.bolinkUnionId,
- order_id: res.data.order_id,
- park_id: that.data.bolinkComId,
- plate_number: res.data.plate_number,
- money: res.data.money,
- park_name: res.data.park_name
- }
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- bolinkOrderId: res.data.order_id,
- extraData: extraDataStr,
- stopFees: {
- orderId: res.data.order_id,
- entranceTime: res.data.start_time,
- remainingFee: res.data.money
- },
- timecha: res.data.duration
- });
- } else { // *#06#
- // var extraDataStr = {
- // params: {
- // token: app.globalData.etcpToken,
- // syncId: res.data.orderId,
- // payType: 6, // 小程序支付
- // CarNumber: carNumber,
- // returnUrl: that.data.etcpCallbackUrl,
- // source: "FUMAO-001",
- // actionId: "1",//操作ID,1:小程序支付
- // },
- // }
- that.setData({
- parkVendor: app.globalData.parkVendor,
- // extraData: extraDataStr,
- stopFees: res.data,
- timecha: Util.timecha(res.data.exitTime, res.data.entranceTime),
- remark: res.data.remark,
- generalAppId: res.data.appId,
- generalPayPath: res.data.payPath,
- generalExtraData: res.data.extraData,
- extraDataFlag: JSON.stringify(res.data.extraData)
- });
- console.log(that.data.extraDataFlag, "123456789")
- }
- that.setData({
- scroll: true
- })
- })
- .catch(error => {
- that.setData({
- stopFees: {},
- scroll: true
- })
- });
- },
- /**
- * 下拉刷新
- */
- onPullDownRefresh: function (e) {
- let that = this;
- that.initUsrCarList("flags");
- that.setData({
- current: 0
- })
- wx.stopPullDownRefresh();
- }
- });