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- <navbar home back text="成长值规则"></navbar>
- <view style="height:{{navigationBarHeight}} "></view>
- <view class='page' wx:if="{{flags=='have'}}">
- <view class='title'>成长值增长规则</view>
- <view class='scroll'>
- <scroll-view scroll-x class="scroll-header">
- <view class="scroll-view-item scroll-view-item2" wx:for="{{rules}}" wx:key="index">
- <view class='thin_circle' wx:if="{{!=2}}">
- <view class="view">
- <text>
- <text>{{item.title}}</text>
- <text>{{item.desc}}</text>
- </text>
- </view>
- </view>
- <text wx:if="{{!=2}}">{{item.score}}成长值</text>
- </view>
- </scroll-view>
- </view>
- <view class='title'>交易规则</view>
- <view class='scroll'>
- <scroll-view scroll-x class="scroll-header">
- <view class="scroll-view-item scroll-view-item1" wx:for="{{rules1}}" wx:key="index">
- <view class='thin_circle thin_circle1'>
- <view class="viewX view1">
- <text>
- <text>{{item.title}}</text>
- <text>线上交易</text>
- <text>{{item.step}}元</text>
- </text>
- </view>
- </view>
- <text>{{item.score}}成长值</text>
- </view>
- </scroll-view>
- </view>
- <view class='title'>成长值权益</view>
- <view class='quanyi'>
- <view class='part' wx:for="{{levelList}}" wx:key="index">
- <view class='clearfix'>
- <image wx:if="{{index==0}}" class="grade fl" mode='widthFix' src="{{gradeUrl}}"></image>
- <image wx:if="{{index==1}}" class="grade fl" mode='widthFix' src="{{grade1Url}}"></image>
- <image wx:if="{{index==2}}" class="grade fl" mode='widthFix' src="{{grade2Url}}"></image>
- <image wx:if="{{index==3}}" class="grade fl" mode='widthFix' src="{{grade3Url}}"></image>
- <image wx:if="{{index==4}}" class="grade fl" mode='widthFix' src="{{grade3Url}}"></image>
- <view class='titles fl clearfix'>
- <text>{{item.level}}</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==0}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==1}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==2}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==3}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==4}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- <text wx:if="{{index==5}}">{{item.points}}成长值</text>
- </view>
- </view>
- <view class='des' wx:if="{{item.description==''}}">无</view>
- <view class='des' wx:if="{{item.description!=''}}">{{item.description}}</view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- <view wx:if="{{flags=='nothave'}}">
- <image class='img' src='{{actUrl}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
- <text class="txt">暂无配置信息</text>
- </view>
- <view class='growthbg' bindtap='gotospecialcourtesy'>
- <image src='{{growthbgUrl}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
- </view>