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19 lines
653 B

  1. <navbar home back text="报名成功"></navbar>
  2. <view style="height:{{navigationBarHeight}} "></view>
  3. <view >
  4. <view class='title' wx:if="{{credit}}">您已扣除{{credit}}积分</view>
  5. <view class='success'>
  6. <image src='{{chenghr}}' mode="widthFix"></image>
  7. <text class='tit'>恭喜报名成功</text>
  8. <text class='mess'>请您在我的活动中查看您的报名状态</text>
  9. </view>
  10. <view class="btns clearfix" hover-class="none" hover-stop-propagation="false">
  11. <button class="fr" bindtap='gotomyAc'>
  12. 我的活动
  13. </button>
  14. <button class="fl" bindtap='goback'>
  15. 返回首页
  16. </button>
  17. </view>
  18. </view>