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  1. <!-- 原风格尺寸 -->
  2. <view wx:if="{{list.length>0&&mouldType==0}}" class="index-slide-view">
  3. <swiper class="imageContainer" bindchange="handleChange" previous-margin="39rpx" next-margin="40rpx" circular autoplay>
  4. <block wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="index">
  5. <swiper-item class="item">
  6. <image data-id="{{item.id}}" data-data="{{item}}" bindtap='gotobannerdetail' class="itemImg {{currentIndex == index ? 'active': ''}}" src="{{item.coverImg}}"></image>
  7. </swiper-item>
  8. </block>
  9. </swiper>
  10. </view>
  11. <!-- 欢乐城风格尺寸 -->
  12. <view wx:if="{{list.length>0&&mouldType==1}}" class="index-slide-view">
  13. <swiper class="imageContainer1" bindchange="handleChange" indicator-color indicator-active-color="#fff" indicator-dots previous-margin="40rpx" next-margin="40rpx" circular autoplay>
  14. <block wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="index">
  15. <swiper-item class="item1">
  16. <image data-id="{{item.id}}" data-data="{{item}}" bindtap='gotobannerdetail' class="itemImg1 {{currentIndex == index ? 'active1_a': 'active1'}}" src="{{item.coverImg}}"></image>
  17. </swiper-item>
  18. </block>
  19. </swiper>
  20. </view>