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  1. <navbar back home text="门店详情"></navbar>
  2. <view style="height:{{navigationBarHeight}} "></view>
  3. <view >
  4. <swiper class="index-slide" circular="false">
  5. <block wx:for="{{imglist}}" wx:key="unique">
  6. <swiper-item>
  7. <image src="{{item}}" class="index-slide-image" />
  8. </swiper-item>
  9. </block>
  10. </swiper>
  11. <view class="dots">
  12. <block wx:for="{{imglist}}" wx:key="unique">
  13. <view class="dot{{index == swiperCurrent ? ' active' : ''}}"></view>
  14. </block>
  15. </view>
  16. <view class='merchant-detail'>
  17. <!-- 品牌信息 -->
  18. <view class='merchant-brand' style='position:relative;z-index:9'>
  19. <!-- <view>
  20. <image src='{{data.merchantImgUrl}}' mode='aspectFill'></image>
  21. </view> -->
  22. <view>
  23. <text>{{data.merchantName}}</text>
  24. <text class='title' wx:if="{{data.title!=''}}">{{data.title}}</text>
  25. </view>
  26. <view class='fenxiang' wx:if="{{data.type!=50&&data.type!=51}}" bindtap='showshare'>
  27. <image src='{{fenxiang}}' mode="widthFix"></image>
  28. <text class='gift'>分享</text>
  29. </view>
  30. </view>
  31. <!-- 一个商铺 -->
  32. <!-- 多个商铺 -->
  33. <view class='merchant-shop shopHr'>
  34. <view class='clearfix' style='width:100%;'>
  35. <view class='wz'>
  36. <text>商户位置:</text>
  37. </view>
  38. <view class='merchants'>
  39. <text wx:for="{{shopVoList}}" wx:key="index" >
  40. {{item.buildingName}}{{item.floorName}}--{{item.shopNumber}}
  41. </text>
  42. </view>
  43. </view>
  44. </view>
  45. <!-- 联系方式 -->
  46. <view class='merchant-shop shopHr' wx:if="{{data.linkLinePhone}}">
  47. <view class='clearfix' style='width:100%;'>
  48. <view class='fl'>
  49. <text>客服电话:</text>
  50. </view>
  51. <view class='frHr'>
  52. <view style='display:inline-block;text-align:left;margin-right:20rpx;'class='posi'>
  53. <text wx:if="{{data.linkLinePhone}}">{{data.linkLinePhone}}</text>
  54. <text wx:else>{{data.merchantLinkPhone}}</text>
  55. </view>
  56. </view>
  57. </view>
  58. </view>
  59. <!-- 商户活动 -->
  60. <view class='merchant-shop shopHr' wx:if="{{data.actionDesc}}" >
  61. <view class='notes'>
  62. <view>
  63. <text>商户活动:</text>
  64. </view>
  65. <view>
  66. <text style="line-height:38rpx;">{{data.actionDesc}}</text>
  67. </view>
  68. </view>
  69. </view>
  70. <!-- 商户简介 -->
  71. <view class='merchant-phones'>
  72. <view class="swiper-tab">
  73. <view class="swiper-tab-item " data-current="0" bindtap="clickTab">
  74. 优惠信息
  75. <view class="{{currentTab==0?'active-tab':''}}"></view>
  76. </view>
  77. <view class="swiper-tab-item" data-current="1" bindtap="clickTab">
  78. 商家简介
  79. <view class="{{currentTab==1?'active-tab':''}}"></view>
  80. </view>
  81. </view>
  82. <view class='swiperactive'>
  83. <!-- 商户对应的活动 -->
  84. <view wx:if="{{currentTab==0}}">
  85. <view class='coupons clearfix'>
  86. <c-coupons wx:if="{{couponList.length!=0}}" wx:for="{{couponList}}" from="fromMerchant" paramAtoB="{{loading}}" wx:key="unique" data="{{item}}" list="{{couponList}}" />
  87. </view>
  88. <view class='dingdan' wx:if="{{couponList.length==0}}">
  89. <image src="{{noCoupon}}" mode="widthFix"></image>
  90. <text>请您敬请期待</text>
  91. <text>我们正在筹备一大波优惠活动</text>
  92. </view>
  93. <view class="loading" wx:if="{{loading}}">
  94. <image src="{{loadingUrl}}" mode="widthFix"></image>
  95. {{content}}
  96. </view>
  97. <view class='loadingtext' wx:if="{{loadingtext}}">{{loadingtext}}</view>
  98. </view>
  99. <!-- 商户简介 -->
  100. <view wx:elif="{{currentTab==1}}" class='dingdan' >
  101. <image src="{{noMerchant}}" wx:if="{{!data.introduction}}" mode="widthFix"></image>
  102. <text class='have' wx:if="{{data.introduction}}">{{data.introduction}}</text>
  103. <text wx:if="{{!data.introduction}}">信息完善中,敬请期待~</text>
  104. </view>
  105. </view>
  106. <view class='merchant-info'>
  107. <view hidden='currentTabsIndex!=0'>
  108. <text wx:if="{{data.summary}}">{{data.summary}}</text>
  109. </view>
  110. </view>
  111. </view>
  112. <!-- 分享弹框 -->
  113. <view class='modal' wx:if="{{isshare}}" bindtap='hidemodal'>
  114. <view class='modal-content'>
  115. <view>
  116. <button class='share user-motto' data-id="{{data.id}}" data-title='{{data.title}}' id="shareBtn" open-type="share" hover-class="other-button-hover"></button>
  117. <image src='./../../../../assets/images/wechat.png' mode='aspectFit'></image>
  118. <text>微信好友</text>
  119. </view>
  120. <view bindtap='showPoster'>
  121. <image src='./../../../../assets/images/picture.png' mode='aspectFit'></image>
  122. <text>生成海报</text>
  123. </view>
  124. </view>
  125. </view>
  126. </view>
  127. </view>