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  1. <navbar back home text="车辆管理"></navbar>
  2. <view style="height:{{navigationBarHeight}} "></view>
  3. <view class='title' >30天内最多绑定4次车牌<text class='rem'>解绑前请确认车已经离场</text></view>
  4. <!-- 车牌 -->
  5. <!-- 有车牌的时候显示 -->
  6. <view class='passUp'>
  7. <view class='addicense_active'>
  8. <block wx:for="{{carList}}" wx:key="unique">
  9. <view class="swiper-item" data-memberKeyword='{{item.carNumber}}'>
  10. <view class='clearfix'>
  11. <text class='txt01'>{{item.carNumber}}</text>
  12. <view class='tche' hover-class='button_active' bindtap='gotopay'>
  13. <button class='btn001' bindtap='unbindCarBtn' data-car='{{item.carNumber}}'>解绑</button>
  14. </view>
  15. </view>
  16. </view>
  17. </block>
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. <!-- 没有车牌的时候显示 -->
  21. <view class='borderUp' hover-class='active' bindtap='jumpToAdd' bindtap='jumpToAdd' wx:if="{{carList.length>=0&&3>=carList.length}}">
  22. <view class="myCars">
  23. <!-- <image src='{{addUrl}}' mode="widthFix"></image> -->
  24. 添加车牌
  25. </view>
  26. <text class='carNumber'>车辆入场后,才能绑车牌</text>
  27. </view>