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  1. <navbar home back text="商场地图">
  2. </navbar>
  3. <view style="height:{{navigationBarHeight}} "></view>
  4. <view class="Box" >
  5. <view class="le_box">
  6. <view class="{{tierFalg==index?'floor_a':'floor'}}" wx:for="{{dataLsit[falgFloor].floors}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="setTierFalg" data-index="{{index}}">
  7. <text class="text">{{item.floorName}}</text>
  8. <!-- <text class="active" wx:if="{{tierFalg==index}}"></text> -->
  9. </view>
  10. <view class="area">
  11. <view class="{{falgFloor==index?'areaItemActivity':'areaItem'}}" wx:for="{{dataLsit}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="setFalgFloor" data-index="{{index}}">{{item.buildingName}}</view>
  12. <!-- <view class="areaItem">B座</view> -->
  13. </view>
  14. </view>
  15. <view class="dt_box">
  16. <view class="ri_box">
  17. <image mode="widthFix" class="dt_2_img" src="{{tmpePicture}}" wx:if="{{tmpePicture!=''}}" bindtap="lookimg" bindload="imgload"></image>
  18. <!-- <image class="dt_2_img_w_H" src="{{tmpePicture}}" wx:if="{{tmpePicture!=''}}" bindtap="lookimg" bindload="imgload" wx:if="{{img_W_H_flag}}"></image> -->
  19. <view class="noIMg" wx:if="{{tmpePicture==''}}">该商场暂未配置</view>
  20. </view>
  21. </view>
  22. </view>
  23. <!-- <web-view wx:if="{{ifFengMap}}" src="{{url}}" ></web-view> -->