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2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
2 vuotta sitten
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2 vuotta sitten
1 vuosi sitten
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  1. <view class="logoin_wrap">
  2. <view class='logo'>
  3. <image src='{{logo}}' mode="widthFix"></image>
  4. </view>
  5. <form bindsubmit='getLoginInfo' tt:if="{{!ifShowShop}}">
  6. <view class='login'>
  7. <view>
  8. <input type='number' name='phone' value='{{phone}}' placeholder='请输入手机号' placeholder-style='color:#BFBFBF;'
  9. maxlength='11' class='inp' />
  10. </view>
  11. <view>
  12. <input password='{{password}}' focus='{{focus}}' class='inp' placeholder='请输入密码'
  13. placeholder-style='color:#BFBFBF;' name='pwd' value='{{pwd}}' />
  14. <image class='showpassword' bindtap='showpassword' src='../../assets/images/password.png' mode='widthFix'>
  15. </image>
  16. </view>
  17. </view>
  18. <navigator url='../index/index' open-type='navigate' hover-class='none'>
  19. </navigator>
  20. <button form-type='submit' class='button' hover-class='active'>登录管理门店</button>
  21. <view class='forget clearfix' bindtap='forgetPwd'>
  22. <text class='fr'>忘记密码</text>
  23. </view>
  24. <!-- <view>
  25. <button class="phone" tt:if="{{!ifAlBoss}}" open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber"><image class='adminlogo' src='../../assets/images/admin.png' mode='widthFix'></image>数据塔台</button>
  26. <button class="phone" tt:if="{{ifAlBoss}}" bindtap="getPhoneNumber"><image class='adminlogo' src='../../assets/images/admin.png' mode='widthFix'></image>数据塔台</button>
  27. </view> -->
  28. </form>
  29. <view class="page" tt:if="{{ifShowShop}}">
  30. <view class="title">请选择要管理的门店</view>
  31. <view class="shopBox" tt:for="{{merchantList}}" tt:key="{{item.tenantId}}" bindtap="goShop"
  32. data-id="{{item.buUserId}}">
  33. <view class="imgBox">
  34. <image class="imgInside" src="{{item.imgUrl}}"></image>
  35. </view>
  36. <view class="infoBox">
  37. <view class="shop">{{item.merchantName}}</view>
  38. <view class="mainShop">{{item.tenantName}}</view>
  39. <view class="address">{{}}</view>
  40. </view>
  41. </view>
  42. </view>
  43. <view class='defaultLogo' tt:if="{{merchantList.legth>2}}">
  44. <text>POWERED BY IFORMALL</text>
  45. </view>
  46. <view class='defaultLogo2' tt:else>
  47. <text>POWERED BY IFORMALL</text>
  48. </view>
  49. </view>