- const config = require('../../config/config.js')
- const Http = require('../../utils/http.js')
- const HttpBasics = require('../../utils/HttpBasics.js')
- const util = require('../../utils/util')
- const changeNum = require('../../utils/changeNum.js')
- import * as echarts from '../../ec-canvas/echarts';
- var app = getApp()
- function setOption(chart, xdata, ydata) {
- const option = {
- title: {
- padding: [10, 0, 0, 20],
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: 14,
- color: '#FF6A6A'
- },
- },
- backgroundColor: "#fff",
- color: ["#006EFF", "#67E0E3", "#9FE6B8"],
- animation: true,
- grid: {
- top: '3%',
- left: "5%",
- right: "7%",
- bottom: "4%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: 'category',
- boundaryGap: false,
- data: xdata,
- splitLine: {
- show: false
- }, //去除网格线
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- }
- },
- yAxis: [{
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- type: 'none'
- }
- },
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- },
- axisLabel: {
- rotate: 40,
- formatter: function (a, b) {
- return a
- }
- },
- type: 'value',
- }],
- series: [{
- type: 'line',
- data: ydata,
- smooth: true, //这句就是让曲线变平滑的
- lineStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: '#33cdff',
- }
- },
- areaStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(
- 0, 0, 0, 1, [{
- offset: 0,
- color: '#FFF'
- }, {
- offset: 1,
- color: '#52A0FD'
- }]
- )
- }
- },
- }]
- };
- chart.setOption(option)
- console.log(chart)
- }
- /**
- * 交易记录
- */
- function getBarOption(x, y) {
- return {
- color: ['#FF6A6A'],
- fontSize: "14rpx",
- grid: {
- top: '3%',
- left: "5%",
- right: "7%",
- bottom: "4%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- xAxis: {
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- },
- type: 'category',
- boundaryGap: false,
- data: x
- },
- yAxis: {
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- },
- type: 'value',
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- type: 'none'
- }
- },
- axisLabel: {
- rotate: 40,
- }
- },
- series: [{
- data: y,
- type: 'line',
- smooth: true,
- lineStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: '#FF6A6A',
- }
- },
- areaStyle: {}
- }]
- };
- };
- /**
- * 核销记录
- */
- function getScatterOption(x, y) {
- return {
- color: '#FFCE00',
- fontSize: "14rpx",
- grid: {
- top: '3%',
- left: "5%",
- right: "7%",
- bottom: "4%",
- containLabel: true,
- },
- xAxis: {
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- },
- type: 'category',
- boundaryGap: false,
- data: x
- },
- yAxis: {
- axisLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisTick: {
- show: false
- },
- type: 'value',
- splitLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- type: 'none'
- }
- },
- axisLabel: {
- rotate: 40,
- }
- },
- series: [{
- data: y,
- type: 'line',
- smooth: true,
- areaStyle: {}
- }]
- };
- };
- /**
- * 获取交易记录
- */
- function getTabletListOrder() {
- let newArr = {
- xList: [],
- amountList: []
- }
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- Http.getRequest(config.api.dateAmountRecordListOrder, app.globalData.token, '', {}, (res) => {
- // 日期
- res.data && res.data.map(file => {
- newArr.xList.push(file.mouthAndDate)
- newArr.amountList.push(file.amountStr)
- })
- resolve(newArr);
- })
- })
- };
- /**
- * 获取核销记录
- */
- function getTabletListVerify() {
- let newArr = {
- xList: [],
- amountList: []
- }
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- Http.getRequest(config.api.dateAmountRecordListVerified, app.globalData.token, '', {}, (res) => {
- // 日期
- res.data && res.data.map(file => {
- newArr.xList.push(file.mouthAndDate)
- newArr.amountList.push(file.amountStr)
- })
- resolve(newArr)
- })
- })
- };
- Page({
- data: {
- token: '',
- currentIndex: 0,
- userInfo: {},
- recordMoney: 0,
- recordData: [],
- userInfoLoadIf: false,
- ec: {
- lazyLoad: true
- },
- classIfyList2: [{
- text: '服务预约',
- icon: 'iconfont icon-lingquanzhongxin',
- id: 9
- }],
- classIfyList: [
- // {
- // text: '收银台',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-shouyintai1',
- // id: 3
- // },
- {
- text: '会员核销',
- icon: 'iconfont icon-hexiao',
- id: 0
- },
- // {
- // text: '消费卡收款',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-shouye1',
- // id: 1
- // },
- // {
- // text: '当日解单',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-shoufukuan',
- // id: 2
- // },
- {
- text: '会员积分',
- icon: 'iconfont icon-jifen',
- id: 4
- },
- // {
- // text: '会员赠券',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-quan',
- // id: 5
- // },
- {
- text: '营销结算',
- icon: 'iconfont icon-jiesuan',
- id: 6
- },
- // {
- // text: '商户建券',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-lingquanzhongxin',
- // id: 7
- // },
- // {
- // text: '商品配送',
- // icon: 'iconfont icon-wuliu',
- // id: 8
- // }
- {
- text: '服务预约',
- icon: 'iconfont icon-lingquanzhongxin',
- id: 9
- },
- ],
- amountMoney: '',
- djZmoney: '',
- writeOffMoney: '',
- getFullYear: new Date().getFullYear(),
- getMonth: new Date().getMonth() + 1,
- getDate: new Date().getDate(),
- dateTime: '',
- show: null,
- billList: [],
- ifShowChart: null,
- ifShowChart1: null,
- ifShowChart2: null,
- ecBar: {
- lazyLoad: true
- },
- ecScatter: {
- lazyLoad: true
- },
- djArr: [],
- djMoney: [],
- count: ''
- },
- //获取商户信息
- getUserInfo() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- Http.getRequest(config.api.userDetail, app.globalData.token, '', {}, (res) => {
- app.globalData.isAdmin = res.data.is_admin;
- resolve(res.data);
- })
- })
- },
- //今日交易额
- getUnverifiedAmountOnDate() {
- let {
- getFullYear,
- getMonth,
- getDate,
- amountMoney,
- writeOffMoney
- } = this.data
- let dateTimer = getFullYear + '-' + getMonth + '-' + getDate
- Http.getRequest(config.api.getUnverifiedAmountOnDate, app.globalData.token, '', {
- date: dateTimer
- }, (res) => {
- console.log(res)
- this.setData({
- amountMoney: res.data.amount,
- count: res.data.orderCount,
- })
- })
- },
- //今日核销额
- getVerifiedAmountOnDate() {
- let {
- getFullYear,
- getMonth,
- getDate
- } = this.data
- let dateTimer = getFullYear + '-' + getMonth + '-' + getDate
- Http.getRequest(config.api.getVerifiedAmountOnDate, app.globalData.token, '', {
- date: dateTimer
- }, (res) => {
- this.setData({
- writeOffMoney: res.data.amount
- })
- })
- },
- onPullDownRefresh: function () {
- let that = this;
- // that.getUnverifiedAmountOnDate()
- // that.getVerifiedAmountOnDate();
- that.getpaybill();
- if (that.oneComponent) {
- that.getrecordData();
- }
- if (that.jiaoyiComponent) {
- that.getTabletListOrder();
- }
- if (that.hexiaoComponent) {
- that.getTabletListVerify();
- }
- tt.hideNavigationBarLoading();
- tt.stopPullDownRefresh();
- },
- onLoad: function (options) {
- var that = this;
- // this.checkuserstatus()
- },
- onReady() {
- // this.oneComponent = this.selectComponent('#mychart-pament');
- // this.jiaoyiComponent = this.selectComponent('#mychart-jiaoyi');
- // this.hexiaoComponent = this.selectComponent('#mychart-hexiao');
- this.getrecordData();
- this.getTabletListOrder();
- this.getTabletListVerify();
- this.getUserInfo().then(res => {
- this.setData({
- userInfo: res,
- userInfoLoadIf: true
- })
- app.globalData.merchant = res;
- tt.setNavigationBarTitle({
- title: res.mall_name + "(" + res.merchant_name + ")"
- })
- })
- app.globalData.userInfo = this.getUserInfo;
- },
- /**
- * gotolook
- */
- gotobill: function (e) {
- console.log(e)
- let owe = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.owe;
- let status = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.status;
- let receivedate = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.receiveDate;
- let starttime = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.starttime;
- let endtime = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.endtime;
- let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.id;
- var transactionId = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.transactionId;
- var priceDetail = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.priceDetail;
- var freeze = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.freeze;
- let pay = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.pay ? e.currentTarget.dataset.data.pay : 0;
- let latePayPrice = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.latePayPrice ? e.currentTarget.dataset.data.latePayPrice : 0;
- let serviceChargePay = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.serviceChargePay ? e.currentTarget.dataset.data.serviceChargePay : 0;
- if (starttime && endtime) {
- var end = starttime + "至" + endtime;
- } else {
- var end = "";
- }
- if (transactionId) {
- var tradeTime = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.tradeTime;
- } else {
- var tradeTime = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.payDate;
- }
- console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.data, tradeTime, 6666666)
- var billTypeValue = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.billTypeValue;
- let receivePay = e.currentTarget.dataset.data.receivePay;
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/bill/billdetail/index?owe=${owe}&receivedate=${receivedate}&status=${status}&end=${end}&id=${id}&tradeTime=${tradeTime}&transactionId=${transactionId}&priceDetail=${priceDetail}&billTypeValue=${billTypeValue}&receivePay=${receivePay}&freeze=${freeze}&pay=${pay}&latePayPrice=${latePayPrice}&serviceChargePay=${serviceChargePay}`,
- })
- },
- /**
- * 核销记录
- */
- // hexiaoInit: function(heXiaox, heXiaoYiy) {
- // this.hexiaoComponent.init((canvas, width, height) => {
- // const barChart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
- // width: width,
- // height: height
- // });
- // canvas.setChart(barChart);
- // barChart.setOption(getScatterOption(heXiaox, heXiaoYiy));
- // return barChart;
- // });
- // },
- /**
- * 交易记录
- */
- // jiaoyiInit: function(jiaoYix, jiaoYiy) {
- // this.jiaoyiComponent.init((canvas, width, height) => {
- // const barChart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
- // width: width,
- // height: height
- // });
- // canvas.setChart(barChart);
- // barChart.setOption(getBarOption(jiaoYix, jiaoYiy));
- // return barChart;
- // });
- // },
- // init_one: function(xdata, ydata) { //初始化第一个图表
- // console.log(this.oneComponent, xdata, ydata)
- // this.oneComponent.init((canvas, width, height) => {
- // const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
- // width: width,
- // height: height
- // });
- // console.log(chart, xdata, ydata)
- // setOption(chart, xdata, ydata)
- // this.chart = chart;
- // return chart;
- // });
- // },
- toWriteoff(e) {
- console.log(e)
- let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id
- console.log(id)
- if (id == 0) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/scan/scan',
- })
- } else if (id == 1) {
- // 优惠卡收款
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/cardReceive/cardReceive',
- })
- } else if (id == 2) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/main/solution/solution',
- })
- } else if (id == 3) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/payment/index',
- })
- } else if (id == 4) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/creditSelect/index',
- })
- } else if (id == 5) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/incouponSelect/index',
- })
- } else if (id == 6) {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/marktingsettlement/marktingsettlement',
- })
- } else if (id == 7) { //用户发卷
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/sendDiscounts/sendDiscounts',
- })
- } else if (id == 8) { //商品配送
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/delivery/delivery',
- })
- } else if (id == 9) { //服务预约
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/Appointment/appointment',
- })
- }
- },
- toTran(e) {
- let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: `./transaction/transaction?type=${type}`,
- })
- },
- onShow() {
- let that = this;
- /**
- * 交易记录
- */
- if (that.oneComponent) {
- that.getrecordData();
- }
- if (that.jiaoyiComponent) {
- that.getTabletListOrder();
- }
- if (that.hexiaoComponent) {
- that.getTabletListVerify();
- }
- /**
- * 获得交易记录和核销额
- */
- that.getUnverifiedAmountOnDate();
- that.getVerifiedAmountOnDate();
- that.getpaybill();
- that.setData({
- currentIndex: 0
- })
- },
- getpaybill: function () {
- let that = this;
- that.getUserInfo().then(res => {
- Http.postRequest(config.api.listBillOweAndWaitPay, app.globalData.token, '', {
- merchantId: res.merchant_id,
- tenantId: res.tenant_id,
- }, (res) => {
- console.log(res);
- if (res && res.data) {
- res.data.map(file => {
- if (file.starttime && file.endtime) {
- file.end = file.starttime.substring(0, 7).replace(/-/g, ".") + "-" + file.endtime.substring(0, 7).replace(/-/g, ".");
- } else {
- file.end = "";
- file.endtime = ""
- }
- file.receiveDate = util.fmtDate(file.receiveDate);
- })
- that.setData({
- billList: res.data,
- djArr: res.data.filter(item => item.status == 2),
- })
- that.data.djMoney = that.data.djArr.map(item => parseInt(item.owe / 100))
- let money = 0
- that.data.djMoney.filter(function (item, index) {
- money += item;
- })
- that.setData({
- djZmoney: changeNum.changePeoNumber(money)
- })
- }
- })
- })
- },
- getTabletListVerify: function () {
- let that = this;
- getTabletListVerify()
- .then(res => {
- if (res.xList.length > 0 && res.amountList.length > 0) {
- that.setData({
- ifShowChart1: 'show1'
- })
- // that.hexiaoInit(res.xList, res.amountList)
- } else {
- /**
- * 判断是否显示数据表
- */
- that.setData({
- ifShowChart1: 'show'
- })
- }
- })
- },
- /**
- * 交易
- */
- getTabletListOrder: function () {
- let that = this;
- getTabletListOrder()
- .then(res => {
- console.log(res);
- if (res.xList.length > 0 && res.amountList.length > 0) {
- // that.jiaoyiInit(res.xList, res.amountList)
- that.setData({
- ifShowChart: 'show1'
- })
- } else {
- /**
- * 判断是否显示数据表
- */
- that.setData({
- ifShowChart: 'show'
- })
- }
- })
- },
- /**
- * 收银记录
- */
- getrecordData() {
- let _this = this;
- HttpBasics.get({
- url: config.api.getMicroPayAmountOnDate
- })
- .then(res => {
- _this.setData({
- recordMoney: res.data.amount
- })
- })
- .catch(err => {
- tt.showToast({
- title: err.message,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000,
- mask: false
- });
- });
- HttpBasics.get({
- url: config.api.listMicropay
- })
- .then(res => {
- let dataX = [];
- let dataY = [];
- if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) {
- _this.setData({
- ifShowChart2: "show1"
- })
- res.data.map((item, index) => {
- dataX.push(item.mouthAndDate)
- dataY.push(Number(item.amountStr))
- })
- // _this.init_one(dataX, dataY)
- } else {
- _this.setData({
- ifShowChart2: "show"
- })
- }
- })
- .catch(err => {
- tt.showToast({
- title: err.message,
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2000,
- mask: false
- });
- });
- },
- toTran(e) {
- let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/transaction/transaction?type=${type}`,
- })
- },
- toRecord() {
- tt.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/record/list/index`,
- })
- },
- // checkuserstatus() {
- // let _this = this;
- // HttpBasics.get({
- // url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus
- // })
- // .then(res => {
- // })
- // .catch(err => {
- // if (err.code == 11005) {
- // tt.redirectTo({
- // url: `/pages/getuserinfo/index`
- // })
- // }
- // });
- // },
- })