// const extConfig = tt.getExtConfigSync ? tt.getExtConfigSync() : {} // let ifStoreApp = extConfig.attr.ifStoreApp; // let businessSwitch = extConfig.attr.businessSwitch // let mch_id = extConfig.attr.mchId const navigationBarHeight = (getApp().statusBarHeight + 60) + "px" const navigationBarHeight1 = (getApp().statusBarHeight + 50) + "px" const Http = require("../utils/HttpBasics"); const imgurl = require("../utils/imgurl"); const config = require("../config/config"); const QR = require("../utils/memberqrcode.js"); const util = require("../utils/util"); const bgColor = require("../utils/bgColor.js") let app = getApp(); Page({ data: { userAvatarUrl: '', userName: '', // aa: (app.statusBarHeight + 60) + "rpx", noDataFlag: false, busineKye: 0, businePageNum: 1, credit: 0, businessList: [], //优选好物导航 businessData: [], //优选好物数据 topicObj2: null, //欢乐城首页限时抢购 topicObj3: null, //欢乐城首页砍价 topicObj4: null, //欢乐城首页拼团 topicObj5: null, //欢乐城首页消费卡 topicObj6: null, //欢乐城首页积分商城 specialLsit: [], //欢乐城首页专题 marketName: "", //商场名称 mouldType: null, navLineHeight: ((app.statusBarHeight + app.statusBarHeight) + 50) + "px", navImgHeight: (((app.statusBarHeight + app.statusBarHeight) + 34) / 2) + "px", huanlechengImgurl: "https://formall.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/cimg/v20211214/", // mch_id: mch_id, goUrl: "", //商圈跳转链接 accreditFlag: 1, //1是未授权微信且未授权手机号 2授权了微信 没授权手机号 3微信和手机号都授权了 // businessSwitch: businessSwitch, typeLsit: {}, showLocationIf: true, // ifStoreApp: ifStoreApp, navigationBarTitle: '首页', navigationBarHeight, navigationBarHeight1, chengzhangBox: bgColor.colorFirst.main.chengzhangBox, activeColor: bgColor.colorFirst.main.activeColor, qg: bgColor.colorFirst.main.qg, newUrl: "", cover: "", kanjia: imgurl.kanjia.url, pintuan: imgurl.pintuan.url, xiaofeika: imgurl.xiaofeika.url, xingyun: imgurl.xingyun.url, jfshangcheng: imgurl.jfshangcheng.url, toutiao: imgurl.toutiao.url, more: imgurl.more.url, giftHr: imgurl.giftHr.url, giftHr: imgurl.giftHr.url, next: imgurl.next.url, usergift: imgurl.usergift.url, guanbi1: imgurl.guanbi1.url, icon0001: imgurl.icon0001.url, icon0002: imgurl.icon0002.url, icon0003: imgurl.icon0003.url, icon0004: imgurl.icon0004.url, icon0005: imgurl.icon0005.url, icon0006: imgurl.icon0006.url, icon0007: imgurl.icon0007.url, icon0008: imgurl.icon0008.url, barcode: imgurl.barcode.url, leftarrows: imgurl.leftarrows.url, newcard: imgurl.newcard.url, newseckill: imgurl.newseckill.url, newbargain: imgurl.newbargain.url, newgroup: imgurl.newgroup.url, product: imgurl.product.url, barginicon: imgurl.barginicon.url, pintuan: imgurl.pintuan.url, live: imgurl.live.url, duihuan: imgurl.duihuan.url, market: app.globalData.market, list: [], xslist: [], loading: true, fistLogin: null, alphaData: null, alphaData1: null, swiperCurrent: 0, title: null, weappShareTitle: '', //分享标题 weappShareCoverImg: '', //分享图片 desc: null, scrollTop: 0, showGame: false, showTopic: false, showQg: false, gamedata: {}, couponId: '', //游戏返回时传回的字段 played: false, //从游戏页面跳回首页返回true havePlayEd: app.globalData.havePlayEd, havePlayEd1: app.globalData.havePlayEd1, staticGamedata: {}, showIf: false, showPages: false, display: 'none', display1: 'none', optionsData: null, page: 1, // 刷新进入页面时已经加载了第一页数据,onReachBottom时 page++,从第2页开始加载 openId: '', showGg: false, ggdata: {}, liveFlag: 0, //直播按钮显隐标志位 squareName: "", //当前广场 isShowSqare: false, moduleList: [], //按钮列表 currentMall: '富茂广场', shopList: [], mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || '', index: tt.getStorageSync('mallIndex') || 0, locateData: {}, }, getCongig() { //获取小程序是否开通授权手机号 Http.get({ url: config.api.getConfig, data: { key: "douyinPhoneStatus" } }).then(res => { app.globalData.ifCongPh = res.data ? res.data : 1 }).catch(err => { app.globalData.ifCongPh = 1 }) }, mallSync() { this.setData({ mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || '', index: tt.getStorageSync('mallIndex') || 0, }) }, getsubMallList() { Http.get({ url: '/mall/subMall?isAll=1', }).then(res => { tt.setStorageSync('shopList', JSON.stringify(res.data)); this.setData({ shopList: res.data, mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || res.data[0].tenantId }); if (!tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') && res.data.length > 1) { tt.setStorageSync('mallTenantId', res.data[0].tenantId) tt.setStorageSync('mallIndex', 0) } this.getLocation() }).catch(err => { console.log(err, 'err'); }) }, bindPickerChange(e, indexIn, id) { const index = e ? e.detail.value : indexIn const mallTenantId = id || this.data.shopList[index].tenantId tt.setStorageSync('mallTenantId', mallTenantId) tt.setStorageSync('mallIndex', index) this.setData({ index: index, mallTenantId: mallTenantId, businePageNum: 1, // 切换广场后将页码切换至1 noDataFlag: false }); this.getBannerlist(); this.getBusinessList() this.getCouponChannelList(this.data.busineKye) }, getBusineData(e) { this.setData({ businePageNum: 1, busineKye: e.detail, noDataFlag: false, }) this.getCouponChannelList(e.detail) }, getBusinessList() { //获取优选导航 Http.get({ url: config.api.businessList, data: { filter: 2, mallTenantId: this.data.mallTenantId, } }).then(res => { this.setData({ businessList: [{ id: 0, title: "全部", type: 1 }].concat(res.data) }); }).catch(err => { tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.message ? err.message : err.data, showCancel: false }) }) }, getCouponChannelList(key) { const that = this if (that.data.noDataFlag) { return } tt.showLoading({ title: "加载中" }); let param = {} if (key == 0) { param = { pageNum: that.data.businePageNum, pageSize: 6, targetAd: 101, mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || "" } } else { param = { pageNum: that.data.businePageNum, pageSize: 6, business: key, targetAd: 101, mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || "" } } Http.get({ url: config.api.couponChannelList, data: param }).then(res => { if (res.data.list && res.data.list.length != 0) { let tempLsit = that.data.businessData let data = res.data.list data.map(item => { if (item.salePriceStr && item.salePriceStr.indexOf('.') != -1) { let str = item.salePriceStr.split('.') item.salePriceStrQ = str[0] item.salePriceStrH = str[1] } item.sale = item.inventory - item.remainInventory }) if (that.data.businePageNum > 1) { that.setData({ businessData: [...tempLsit, ...data] }) } else { that.setData({ businessData: data }) } } else { that.setData({ noDataFlag: true, }) } tt.hideLoading(); console.log(that.data.businessData, 'businessData'); }).catch(err => { tt.hideLoading(); tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.message ? err.message : err.data, showCancel: false }) }) }, goPage(e) { let obj = e.currentTarget.dataset.obj console.log(obj, "obj") if (obj.linkType == 1) { if (obj.linkUrl == "/pages/game/index") { this.gotogame() } else { tt.navigateTo({ url: obj.linkUrl, }) } //小程序内部跳转 } else if (obj.linkType == 2) { //跳转到外部小程序 tt.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: obj.outLinkAppid, path: obj.linkUrl ? obj.linkUrl : '', fail: err => { tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err, showCancel: false }) } }) } }, //获取按钮列表 getModule() { Http.get({ url: config.api.wxCustomizeModule }).then(res => { this.setData({ moduleList: res.data, }) }).catch(err => { if (err.status != 404) tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.message ? err.message : err.data, showCancel: false }) }) }, //判断用户是否授权 uesrInfo() { Http.get({ url: config.api.checkUserStatus, data: { token: app.globalData.token } }).then(res => { Http.get({ url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus }).then(res => { //全部授权 this.setData({ accreditFlag: 3 }) }).catch(err => { if (err.code == 11005) { //未授权手机号 this.setData({ accreditFlag: 2 }) } else { tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); } }) }).catch(err => { if (err.code == 11004) { //未授权微信 this.setData({ accreditFlag: 1 }) } else { tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); } }) }, //获取当前广场名 //跳转到每日签到 goSign() { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/activityCalendar/activityCalendar', }) }, //活动日历 goCalendar() { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/dateLsit/dateLsit', }) }, //跳转到其他广场列表 goSquareList() { if (this.data.isShowSqare) { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/location/location', }) } }, goLive() { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages2/live/livelist/index', }) }, alphaClick1: function (even) { var animation = tt.createAnimation({}) animation.opacity(0).step({ duration: 2000 }) this.setData({ alphaData: animation.export() }) }, alphaClick: function (even) { var animation = tt.createAnimation({}) animation.opacity(0).step({ duration: 2000 }) this.setData({ alphaData1: animation.export() }) }, // 我的卡包 mycard: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/cardorder/index/index', }) }, //我的券包 mycoupon: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/couponorder/index/index', }) }, gotoSpellGroup: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/spellGroup/spellGroup', }) }, qrcode: function () { var that = this; let memberId = that.data.memberId; if (memberId) { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/specialcourtesy/specialcourtesy' }) } }, //跳往限时秒杀 gotoRushBuy: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/rushToBuy/index', }) }, swiperChange: function (e) { this.setData({ swiperCurrent: e.detail.current }); }, gotogame: function () { let that = this; if (!that.data.showIf) { tt.showToast({ title: '暂无游戏频道', icon: "none", duration: 3000 }) } else { Http.get({ url: config.api.checkUserStatus, data: { token: app.globalData.token } }).then(res1 => { app.globalData.type = 'gm' Http.get({ url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus, data: {} }).then(res => { var data = { couponChannelId: "" + that.data.couponChannelId, couponId: "" + that.data.couponId }; if (that.data.couponChannelId == null) { var data = { couponId: "" + that.data.couponId }; } tt.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/game/index?url=' + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, }) }).catch(err => { if (err.code == 11005) { // 用户手机未授权 /** * 将值传到用户手机号授权的页面 * */ app.globalData.skipUrl = '/pages/game/index?url=' + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, app.globalData.skip = 'redirectTo' tt.redirectTo({ url: "/pages/getphoneInfo/index?path=index&url=" + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, }); } else if (err.code == 11006) { // 用户手机已加密 tt.redirectTo({ url: "/pages/phoneinput/phoneinput?path=index&url=" + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, }); } else { tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); } }) }).catch(err => { if (err.code == 11004) { //未授权微信 app.globalData.type = 'gm' tt.redirectTo({ url: "/pages/getuserinfo/index?path=index&url=" + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, }); } else { tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); } }) } }, mySpecial: function () { console.log("special"); tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/specialcourtesy/specialcourtesy', }) }, //是否属于集团 ifShowSqare() { if (tt.getStorageSync("squareList")) { this.setData({ isShowSqare: true }) } else { this.setData({ isShowSqare: false }) } }, /** * 获取全局样式 */ getType() { Http.get({ url: config.api.setType, data: { mouldType: app.globalData.mouldType } }).then(res => { const { code, data } = res if (code == 200) { app.globalData.typeLsit = data this.setData({ typeLsit: data, }) } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onLoad: function (options) { let that = this; let optionss; let openId = tt.getStorageSync('openId') if (tt.getStorageSync('options')) { optionss = JSON.parse(tt.getStorageSync('options')); } if (options.played == "true") { that.setData({ played: true }) } if (optionss && optionss.couponChannelId || optionss && optionss.orderId) { that.setData({ optionsData: optionss }) that.getWeapNote(optionss.couponChannelId, optionss.orderId); } else { that.getWeapNote() } //获取条形码 // util.barcode("barcode", optionss.quancode, 510, 100); // console.log(Http.headers.token, "?") }, /** * 获得经纬度 */ getLocation() { console.log('getLocation'); let that = this; tt.getLocation({ type: "wgs84", // isHighAccuracy: true, success: function (res) { console.log(res, 'getLocation') const locateData = { latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude, } that.setData({ locateData: locateData }) if (res && res.longitude && res.latitude) { Http.post({ url: config.api.updateLBS, data: { latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude, city: res.city } }).then(res => { // 获取到的用户的坐标 const latitudeNow = that.data.locateData.latitude const longitudeNow = that.data.locateData.longitude const mallLocationArr = [] const shopList = JSON.parse(tt.getStorageSync('shopList')); shopList.forEach((item, index) => { const obj = { latitude: item.latitude, longitude: item.longitude, mallTenantId: item.tenantId, index: index } mallLocationArr.push(obj) }) console.log(mallLocationArr, 'mallLocationArr'); const tempArr = shopList const bloobArr = [] // 调整广场列表数据 mallLocationArr.forEach((item, index) => { const distanceData = that.getDistances(latitudeNow, longitudeNow, item.latitude, item.longitude) tempArr[index].distance_str = distanceData.distance_str tempArr[index].distanceName = tempArr[index].name + ' ' + distanceData.distance_str tempArr[index].distance = distanceData.distance bloobArr.push(distanceData.distance) }) that.setData({ shopList: tempArr }) // 通过排序获取最近广场 const nearestDistance = that.bloob(bloobArr)[0] const nearestArr = that.data.shopList.filter((item, index) => { // 切换至最近的广场 const locationFlag = tt.getStorageSync('locationFlag'); if ((item.distance == nearestDistance)) { if (locationFlag) { that.bindPickerChange('', index, item.tenantId) tt.setStorageSync('locationFlag', false); } else { that.bindPickerChange('', ttt.getStorageSync('mallIndex'), tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId')) } return true } else { return false } }) console.log(nearestArr[0], 'nearestArr'); }) } }, // 拒绝提供定位权限 fail: error => { console.log(error); const shopList = JSON.parse(tt.getStorageSync('shopList')); let obj = {} shopList.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.defaultSign == 1) { const tempObj = { index: index, tenantId: item.tenantId } obj = tempObj return } }) console.log(obj, 'obj'); const locationFlag = tt.getStorageSync('locationFlag'); if (locationFlag) { that.bindPickerChange('', obj.index, obj.tenantId) tt.setStorageSync('locationFlag', false); } else { that.bindPickerChange('', ttt.getStorageSync('mallIndex'), tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId')) } }, complete: finish => { } }) }, /** * @description:根据经纬度计算距离 * @param {*} locationInfo (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) * @return: distanceObj: { distance , distance_str } */ getDistances(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { function rad(num) { return num * Math.PI / 180.0; } var radLat1 = rad(lat1); var radLat2 = rad(lat2); var a = radLat1 - radLat2; var b = rad(lng1) - rad(lng2); var s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2) + Math.cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2))); s = s * 6378.137; s = Math.round(s * 10000) / 10000; var distance = s; var distance_str = ""; if (parseInt(distance) >= 1) { distance_str = distance.toFixed(2) + "km"; } else if (!arseInt(distance)) { return false } else { distance_str = (distance * 1000).toFixed(2) + "m"; } let objData = { distance: distance, distance_str: distance_str } return objData }, bloob(arr) { const tempArr = arr for (let i = 0; i < tempArr.length - 1; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < tempArr.length - 1 - i; j++) { if (tempArr[j] > tempArr[j + 1]) { let temp = tempArr[j]; tempArr[j] = tempArr[j + 1]; tempArr[j + 1] = temp; } } } return tempArr }, onShow: function () { this.mallSync() console.log(app.globalData.mouldType, "mouldType") // tt.requestSubscribeMessage({ // tmplIds: [], // 需要填入开放平台申请的模版id,支持最多3个同类型模版 // success(res) { // //订阅成功 // console.log("订阅成功", res); // }, // fail(error) { // //订阅失败 // console.log("订阅失败, 错误详情: ", error); // tt.showToast({ // title: "订阅失败", // icon: "fail", // }); // }, // complete(res) { // //订阅完成 // console.log("tt.requestSubscribeMessage API调用完成: ", res); // }, // }); this.setData({ mouldType: app.globalData.mouldType, marketName: app.globalData.marketName, activeColor: app.globalData.mouldType == 1 ? "#E9D0AA" : bgColor.colorFirst.main.activeColor }) // this.uesrInfo() this.ifShowSqare(); if (tt.getStorageSync("squareList") && tt.getStorageSync("selectedMall")) { // var temp = tt.getStorageSync("squareList").filter(item => item.tenantId == tt.getStorageSync("selectedMall"))[0].name // this.setData({ // squareName: temp // }) } if (typeof this.getTabBar === 'function' && this.getTabBar()) { this.getTabBar().setData({ selected: 0, }) } let that = this; that.setData({ havePlayEd: app.globalData.havePlayEd ? app.globalData.havePlayEd : false, havePlayEd1: app.globalData.havePlayEd1 ? app.globalData.havePlayEd1 : false }) /** * couponNum 是否有普通的优惠券购买 * couponNum2 是否有新买的消费卡 */ let num = tt.getStorageSync('couponNum'); let num1 = tt.getStorageSync('couponNum2'); // if (num == 'couponNum' || num1 == 'couponNum2') { // tt.showTabBarRedDot({ // index: 3 // }) // } else { // tt.hideTabBarRedDot({ // index: 3 // }) // } if (app.globalData.score) { that.setData({ fistLogin: app.globalData.score }) } // 如果有游戏 setTimeout(function () { that.alphaClick(); }, 8000) // 如果有广告 setTimeout(function () { that.alphaClick1(); }, 8000) }, getmemberId: function (token) { let that = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.getScore, data: { token: token } }).then(res => { if (res.data.avatarUrl || res.data.nickName) { app.globalData.avatarUrl = res.data.avatarUrl app.globalData.nickName = res.data.nickName } that.setData({ levelName: res.data.levelName, upgradePercent: res.data.upgradePercent, upgradeScore: res.data.upgradeScore, memberId: res.data.id, credit: res.data.credit, userAvatarUrl: res.data.avatarUrl ? res.data.avatarUrl : '', userName: res.data.nickName ? res.data.nickName : '', }) }) .catch(err => { tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.message, showCancel: false }) }) }, gotoChengzhangzhi: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/czdetail/czdetail', }) }, goIntegralmall() { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/integralmall/index', }) }, gotoBargain: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/bargain/bargain', }) }, gotoSpellGroup: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/spellGroup/spellGroup', }) }, gotoCard: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/discountCardList/discountCardList', }) }, // gotoGame: function () { // tt.navigateTo({ // url: '/pages/game/index', // }) // }, gotoJfsc: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/integralmall/index', }) }, /** * * @param {code,page} * 子组件向父组件传值 */ onGetCode: function (e) { this.setData({ code: e.detail.val, page: e.detail.pageNum, }); console.log(e.detail.val) console.log(e.detail.pageNum) }, getWeapNote: function (couponChannelId, couponId, orderId) { var that = this; if (app.globalData.token) { that.getsubMallList() // 登录 console.log(app.globalData.token) that.getCongig() //获取小程序是否开通授权手机号 that.setData({ mouldType: app.globalData.mouldType, marketName: app.globalData.marketName, activeColor: app.globalData.mouldType == 1 ? "#E9D0AA" : bgColor.colorFirst.main.activeColor }) //获取首页按钮 抖音暂时屏蔽 // that.getModule() that.getmemberId(app.globalData.token); that.getBannerlist(); // if (that.data.mouldType == 0) { //富茂原版 // that.topicShow(); // that.getxsList(); // } else if (that.data.mouldType == 1) { //欢乐城模板 // } that.getShowList() that.topicShowall(2); that.topicShowall(3); that.topicShowall(4); that.topicShowall(5); that.topicShowall(6); that.getBusinessList(); that.getCouponChannelList(0) that.getsubMallList() that.getType() that.uesrInfo() // that.getLocation(); that.getMallInfo(app.globalData.token); if (app.couponChannelListCallback) { app.couponChannelListCallback(app.globalData.token); } if (app.couponListCallback) { app.couponListCallback(app.globalData.token); } if (app.businessListCallback) { app.businessListCallback(app.globalData.token); } Http.get({ url: config.api.getWeapNote, data: { appId: app.globalData.appId, } }) .then(res => { console.log(33333333333) console.log(app.globalData.token) console.log(res) console.log(33333333333) // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) // that.getStaticGame(app.globalData.token) that.getGg(app.globalData.token) let weapNote = JSON.parse(res.data.weapNote); that.setData({ // desc: weapNote.firstpage.desc?weapNote.firstpage.desc:"", // title: weapNote.firstpage.title?weapNote.firstpage.title:'', }) }) .catch(err => { // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) // that.getStaticGame(app.globalData.token) that.getGg(app.globalData.token) tt.showModal({ title: "提示", content: err.message, showCancel: false }); }); } else { app.tokenCallback = token => { that.getsubMallList() // 登录 console.log(app.globalData.token) that.getCongig() //获取小程序是否开通授权手机号 that.setData({ mouldType: app.globalData.mouldType, marketName: app.globalData.marketName, activeColor: app.globalData.mouldType == 1 ? "#E9D0AA" : bgColor.colorFirst.main.activeColor }) //获取首页按钮 抖音暂时屏蔽 // that.getModule() that.getmemberId(app.globalData.token); that.getBannerlist(); // if (that.data.mouldType == 0) { //富茂原版 // that.topicShow(); // that.getxsList(); // } else if (that.data.mouldType == 1) { //欢乐城模板 // } that.getShowList() that.topicShowall(2); that.topicShowall(3); that.topicShowall(4); that.topicShowall(5); that.topicShowall(6); that.getBusinessList(); that.getCouponChannelList(0) that.getType() that.uesrInfo() // that.getLocation(); that.getMallInfo(app.globalData.token); if (app.couponChannelListCallback) { app.couponChannelListCallback(app.globalData.token); } if (app.couponListCallback) { app.couponListCallback(app.globalData.token); } if (app.businessListCallback) { app.businessListCallback(app.globalData.token); } Http.get({ url: config.api.getWeapNote, data: { appId: app.globalData.appId, } }) .then(res => { console.log(33333333333) console.log(app.globalData.token) console.log(res) console.log(33333333333) // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) // that.getStaticGame(app.globalData.token) that.getGg(app.globalData.token) let weapNote = JSON.parse(res.data.weapNote); that.setData({ // desc: weapNote.firstpage.desc?weapNote.firstpage.desc:"", // title: weapNote.firstpage.title?weapNote.firstpage.title:'', }) }) .catch(err => { // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) // that.getStaticGame(app.globalData.token) that.getGg(app.globalData.token) tt.showModal({ title: "提示", content: err.message, showCancel: false }); }); } } }, getStaticGame(token) { let _this = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.getGame, data: { triggleAction: 2, // 固定入口 token: token } }).then(res => { if (res.data.id) { _this.setData({ showIf: true, newUrl: res.data.imgUrl }) } else { _this.setData({ showIf: false }) } _this.setData({ staticGamedata: res.data }) }) .catch(err => { _this.setData({ showIf: false }) console.log(err) }) }, getGameOne: function (token) { let _this = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.getGame, data: { triggleAction: 1, // 登录触发 token: token } }).then(res => { if (res.data.id) { _this.setData({ showGame: true, }) } else { _this.setData({ showGame: false }) } _this.setData({ gamedata: res.data }) }) .catch(err => { _this.setData({ showGame: false }) this.alphaClick(); }) }, /** * mallinfo */ getMallInfo: function (token) { let that = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.getMallInfo, data: { token: token, } }).then(res => { that.setData({ liveFlag: res.data.liveSupport, weappShareTitle: res.data.weappShareTitle ? res.data.weappShareTitle : null, weappShareCoverImg: res.data.weappShareCoverImg ? res.data.weappShareCoverImg : null, }); console.log(that.data.liveFlag, "||||") }) .catch(err => { // 不需要错误提示 }); }, //获取限时抢购列表 getxsList() { let that = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.couponChannelList, data: { pageNum: 1, pageSize: 3, targetAd: 2 } }).then(res => { if (res && res.data.total > 0) { that.setData({ xslist: res.data.list, showQg: true }); } else { that.setData({ showQg: false }) } }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) }, /** * banner */ getBannerlist: function () { let that = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.bannerlist, data: { pageNum: 1, pageSize: 7, plat: 3, mallTenantId: tt.getStorageSync('mallTenantId') || "" } }).then(res => { that.getmemberId(app.globalData.token); // that.checkUserCarStatus(); that.setData({ list: res.data.list }); }) .catch(err => { that.getmemberId(app.globalData.token); // that.checkUserCarStatus(); }); }, //获取欢乐城专题 getShowList() { Http.get({ url: config.api.showList }).then(res => { let tempData = res.data tempData.map(item1 => { if (item1.couponList) { item1.couponList.map(item2 => { if (item2.salePriceStr && item2.salePriceStr.indexOf('.') != -1) { let str = item2.salePriceStr.split('.') item2.salePriceStrQ = str[0] item2.salePriceStrH = str[1] } }) } }) this.setData({ specialLsit: res.data ? res.data : [] }) }).catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.message ? err.message : err.data, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) }, /** * topicType=2 限时抢购 * topicType=3 砍价 * topicType=4 拼团 * topicType=5 消费卡 * topicType=6 积分商城 */ topicShowall(topicType) { Http.get({ url: config.api.topicShow, data: { topicType } }).then(res => { let data = res.data if (data.couponList != null && data.couponList.length > 0) { data.couponList.map(item => { if (item.salePriceStr && item.salePriceStr.indexOf('.') != -1) { let str = item.salePriceStr.split('.') item.salePriceStrQ = str[0] item.salePriceStrH = str[1] } }) } if (topicType == 2) { let tempData = data this.setData({ topicObj2: data }) } else if (topicType == 3) { this.setData({ topicObj3: data }) } else if (topicType == 4) { this.setData({ topicObj4: data }) } else if (topicType == 5) { this.setData({ topicObj5: data }) } else if (topicType == 6) { this.setData({ topicObj6: data }) } }).catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.message ? err.message : err.data, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) }, // 专题显示 topicShow: function () { let that = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.topicShow, data: { token: app.globalData.token } }).then(res => { if (res && res.data) { that.setData({ name: res.data.name, cover: res.data.cover, id: res.data.id, showTopic: true }) } else { that.setData({ showTopic: false }) } }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); }) }, gotoTopic() { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/topicDetail/index?id=${this.data.id}` }) }, /** * 检查用户是否有车 */ // checkUserCarStatus: function() { // var that = this; // Http.get({ // url: config.api.userCarCount, // data: {} // }).then(res => { // if (res.data > 0) { // // 用户名下有车 // app.globalData.phone = res.data.phone; // app.globalData.supportCar = true; // // 共同登录 // that.userCarLogin(); // } // }); // }, /** * car共同登录 */ // userCarLogin: function() { // var that = this; // if (!app.globalData.carLogin) { // // 共同登录 // Http.post({ // url: config.api.carInit, // data: { // phone: app.globalData.phone // } // }).then(res => { // app.globalData.carLogin = true; // app.globalData.parkVendor = res.data.vendor; // if (res.data.token != "undefined") { // app.globalData.etcpToken = res.data.token; // } // }); // } // }, /** * 获取用户信息 */ // getUserInfo: function() { // // 获取用户信息 // tt.getSetting({ // success: res => { // if (res.authSetting["scope.userInfo"]) { // // 已经授权,可以直接调用 getUserInfo 获取头像昵称,不会弹框 // tt.getUserInfo({ // success: res => { // // 可以将 res 发送给后台解码出 unionId // } // }); // } // } // }); // }, gotoBargain: function () { tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/bargain/bargain' }) }, //限时抢购的详情页面 gotodetail: function (e) { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/coupon/detail/index?couponChannelId=${e.currentTarget.dataset.couponchannelid }&couponId=${e.currentTarget.dataset.couponid}` }); }, //浮层广告 getGg: function (token) { let that = this Http.get({ url: config.api.getGg, data: { token: token, appId: app.globalData.appId, openId: "" // tt.getStorageSync('openId') } }).then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.data.id) { that.setData({ showGg: true, }) console.log(that.data.showGg, 1111111111111) } else { that.setData({ showGg: false }) // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) console.log(that.data.showGg, 222222222222222222) } that.setData({ ggdata: res.data }) }) .catch(err => { this.setData({ showGg: false }) // that.getGameOne(app.globalData.token) that.alphaClick1(); }) }, /** * 刷新 */ onPullDownRefresh() { tt.showLoading({ title: "加载中..." }); let that = this; // that.setData({ // topicObj2: null, //欢乐城首页限时抢购 // topicObj3: null, //欢乐城首页砍价 // topicObj4: null, //欢乐城首页拼团 // topicObj5: null, //欢乐城首页消费卡 // topicObj6: null, //欢乐城首页积分商城 // specialLsit: null, //专题 // }) // // that.getWeapNote(); that.setData({ page: 1, businePageNum: 1, noDataFlag: false }) // if (that.data.optionsData != null && (that.data.optionsData.couponChannelId || that.data.optionsData.orderId)) { // that.getWeapNote(that.data.optionsData.couponChannelId, that.data.optionsData.orderId); // } else { // that.getWeapNote() // } // if (that.selectComponent("#lists")) { // if (that.data.code == 0 || that.data.code == undefined) { // that.selectComponent("#lists").getList(0, 1, "refresh"); // tt.stopPullDownRefresh(); // } else { // that.selectComponent("#lists").getList(that.data.code, 1, "refresh"); // tt.stopPullDownRefresh(); // }; // that.selectComponent("#hot").getList(); // } // // 砍价下拉刷新 // // that.selectComponent("#bargain").getList(); // // that.selectComponent("#spellGroup").getList(); // // that.selectComponent("#rushtobyCard").getList(); // // 爆款专区下拉刷新 // that.getxsList(); // that.topicShow(); this.getBannerlist(); this.getBusinessList() this.getCouponChannelList(this.data.busineKye) setTimeout(() => { tt.hideLoading(); tt.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, 1600); }, //加载更多 onReachBottom: function () { console.log("我到底了") let that = this; that.data.page++; that.setData({ page: that.data.page, businePageNum: that.data.businePageNum + 1 }); console.log("加载更多页数" + that.data.page, ); console.log("加载更多key" + that.data.code); // if (that.data.mouldType == 0) { //富茂源模板 // //父组件获得子组件的方法 // //如果code == 0 // if (that.data.code == 0 || that.data.code == undefined) { // that.selectComponent("#lists").getList(0, that.data.page); // } else { // that.selectComponent("#lists").getList(that.data.code, that.data.page); // } // } else if (that.data.mouldType == 1) { // } this.getCouponChannelList(that.data.busineKye) }, // 用户点击右上角分享 onShareAppMessage: function () { app.globalData.previewFlag = true return { path: "/pages/index/index", title: this.data.weappShareTitle, imageUrl: this.data.weappShareCoverImg, success: function (res) { tt.showToast({ title: "分享成功", duration: 1000, icon: "success" }); } }; } }); Array.prototype.bubbleSort = function () { for (let i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i += 1) { for (let j = 0; j < this.length - 1 - i; j += 1) { if (this[j] > this[j + 1]) { const temp = this[j]; this[j] = this[j + 1]; this[j + 1] = temp; } } } }