const navigationBarHeight = (getApp().statusBarHeight + 50) + 'px' let config = require("../../../config/config.js"); let Http = require("../../../utils/HttpBasics"); const util = require("../../../utils/util"); let app = getApp(); const imgurl = require("../../../utils/imgurl"); Page({ data: { showBox: false,//显示授权手机框 navigationBarHeight, noOrdersUrl: imgurl.noOrders.url, loadingUrl: imgurl.loading.url, wmhome: imgurl.wmhome.url, wmdiscount: imgurl.wmdiscount.url, wmgive: imgurl.wmgive.url, boatFlag: "all", tabs: [{ key: "all", name: "全部" }, { key: 0, name: "待付款" }, { key: 1, name: "已完成" }, { key: 3, name: "售后" } ], list: [], current: "", loading: true, //"上拉加载"的变量,默认false,隐藏 // current_scroll: "1", allow_load: true, page: 1, content: "", canIUse: tt.canIUse(""),//判断小程序是否能用获取手机插件 ifshowtab:null, }, setPhone(paramData) {//子组件调用这个方法说明手机号已经授权成功 this.setData({ showBox: paramData.detail, }) this.getList('all', 1) tt.showToast({ title: '授权成功', // 内容 icon: 'none', // 图标 success: (res) => { }, fail: (res) => { }, }); }, setBox(paramData) { this.setData({ showBox: paramData.detail, }) tt.showToast({ title: '取消授权', // 内容 icon: 'none', // 图标 success: (res) => { }, fail: (res) => { }, }); }, goback: function () { tt.reLaunch({ url: '/index/index', }) }, onLoad(e) { // this.setData({ // current_scroll: // }); }, onShow() { Http.get({ url: config.api.checkUserStatus, data: { token: app.globalData.token } }).then(res => { Http.get({ url: config.api.checkPhoneStatus, }).then(res => { }).catch(err => { if (app.globalData.ifCongPh==1) { app.globalData.skip = 'navigateBack' tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/getPhone/getPhone?skipUrl=1`, }) }else{ this.setData({ showBox:true }) } }) }).catch(err => { if (err.code == 11004) {//未授权抖音 app.globalData.type = 'mo' tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/getuserinfo/getuserinfo', }); } }) this.setData({ ifshowtab : app.globalData.ifshowtab, allow_load: true }) this.getList(, 1); }, /** * 砍价中的状态 * 跳转到砍价详情页面 */ gotoDiscount: function (e) { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/bargain/bargainDatail/bargainDatail?orderId=${}` }) }, cancel(e){//取消订单 tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您是否要取消该订单', confirmText: "确定", success: (res) => { if(res.confirm){{ url:config.api.orderCancel, data:{ orderId: } }).then(res=>{ this.getList(, 1); tt.showToast({ title: "取消订单成功!", icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }).catch(err=>{ tt.showToast({ title: err.message?, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) } else if (res.cancel) { console.log("取消"); } }, fail(err) { console.log(`showModal 调用失败`, err); }, }); }, gotopay: function (e) { let level = e.currentTarget.dataset.level if (level == 0) { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/order/detail/index?orderId=${}&flag='pay'` }) } else { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/order/detail/index?orderId=${}&dingdan=order&flag='pay'` }) } }, //再次购买 gotopayAgain: function (e) { tt.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/coupon/detail/index?couponChannelId=${e.currentTarget.dataset.couponchannelid }&couponId=${e.currentTarget.dataset.couponid}` }); }, // gotoSpellPay(e) { // console.log(e, 333) // let data = // tt.navigateTo({ // url: `/pages/spellGroup/paySpellGroup/index?orderId=${data.orderId}&couponId=${data.couponId}&orderGroupId=${data.orderGroupId}&couponChannelId=${data.couponChannelId}`, // }) // }, getList(key, pageNum) { let that = this; if (key == undefined) { key = 'all' } /** * key==0 * 不发送该字段 */ if (key == 'all') { var variable = { pageNum: pageNum, pageSize: 10, paymentType: 0 }; } else { var variable = { pageNum: pageNum, pageSize: 10, orderStatus: key, paymentType: 0 }; } if ( { that.setData({ loading: true, content: '小主,我在玩命加载中...' }) Http.get({ url: config.api.orderList, data: variable }).then(res => { if (pageNum >= { that.setData({ allow_load: false }); setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ loading: false, }) }, 1400); } setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ loading: false, }) }, 1400); if (pageNum == 1) { that.setData({ list: [] }) } var tmpArr =; tmpArr.push.apply(tmpArr,; // 将砍价的状态过滤出来 console.log(tmpArr) => { => { itemChild.createDate = util.formatTime(itemChild.createDate, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); }) }) that.setData({ list: tmpArr }) for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { var createDate1 = util.formatTime([i].createDate, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); /** * 修改list的endtime * 渲染到页面 */ var createDate = 'list[' + i + '].createDate' that.setData({ [createDate]: createDate1 }); } }) .catch(err => { tt.showModal({ title: '提示', content: err.message ? err.message :, showCancel: false }) }) } else { that.setData({ loading: true, content: "——— 再拉裤子就掉了啦 ———" }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ loading: false, }) }, 1400) } }, handleChange({ detail }) { this.setData({ current: detail.key }); }, setBoatFlag(e) { if (app.globalData.ifCongPh==1) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index console.log(index); this.setData({ boatFlag: index, pageNum: 1, allow_load: true, }) this.getList(index, 1) } else { this.setData({ showBox: true }) } }, // handleChangeScroll({ // detail // }) { // this.setData({ // list: [], // allow_load: true, // current_scroll: detail.key, // page: 1 // }) // this.getList(detail.key, 1); // }, onReachBottom: function () { var that = this;; that.setData({ page: }); that.getList(,; }, });