// components/advertisement.js const Http = require("../../utils/HttpBasics"); var config = require("../../config/config.js"); Component({ properties: { ggdata: { type: Object, value: {} } }, data: { flag: false, alphaData1: null, }, methods: { gotoGg: function (e) { console.log(this.data.ggdata) let that = this; tt.navigateTo({ url: `/${that.data.ggdata.pagePath}&g=1`, }) }, a: function () { this.setData({ flag: false }) }, closeGg: function () { let that = this; var animation = tt.createAnimation({}) // animation.opacity(0).step({ duration: 1000 }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ flag: true }) }, 500) animation.rotateZ(180).scale(0).opacity(0.5).step({ duration: 1000 }) that.setData({ alphaData1: animation.export() }); }, }, });