// let util = require("../../utils/util"); const navigationBarHeight = (getApp().statusBarHeight + 50) + 'px' let Http = require("../../utils/HttpBasics"); let config = require("../../config/config.js"); let app = getApp(); const imgurl = require("../../utils/imgurl"); const QR = require("../../utils/memberqrcode.js"); Page({ data: { navigationBarHeight, btomLineUrl: imgurl.btomLine.url, topLineUrl: imgurl.topLine.url, lineUrl: imgurl.line.url, wm01Url: imgurl.wm01.url, wm02Url: imgurl.wm02.url, wm03Url: imgurl.wm03.url, wm04Url: imgurl.wm04.url, upDataRqUrl: imgurl.upDataRq.url, upDataRqUrlF: imgurl.upDataRqF.url, code: "", //存储计时器 setInter: "", staticGamedata: {}, showIf: false, curHtml: '', contentType: 0, showhieRq: false, dynamicRq: "", expiredSeconds: 0, templTiem: "" }, gotogame: function () { let that = this; tt.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/game/index?url=' + that.data.staticGamedata.url + "&id=" + that.data.staticGamedata.id + "&gameId=" + that.data.staticGamedata.gameId, }) }, // 获取游戏 getStaticGame(token) { let _this = this; Http.get({ url: config.api.getGame, data: { triggleAction: 4 // 核销触发 } }).then(res => { if (res.data.id) { _this.setData({ showIf: true }) } _this.setData({ staticGamedata: res.data }) }) .catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.errMsg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) }, setRq() { let _this = this _this.setData({ showhieRq: false, }) Http.get({ //获取动态二维码 url: config.api.dynamicId, data: { couponOrderId: _this.data.code } }).then(res => { console.log(res, "res") _this.setData({ dynamicRq: res.data.dynamicId, expiredSeconds: res.data.expiredSeconds }) let url = JSON.stringify({ END: "C", TYPE: "couponorder", ID: _this.data.dynamicRq }) if (res.data.expiredSeconds == 0) { } else { let inre = setInterval(() => { if (_this.data.expiredSeconds > 1) { _this.setData({ expiredSeconds: _this.data.expiredSeconds - 1 }) console.log("有效", _this.data.expiredSeconds) } else { console.log("无效", _this.data.expiredSeconds) clearInterval(_this.data.templTiem) _this.setData({ showhieRq: true }) } }, 1000) _this.setData({ templTiem: inre }) } // util.qrcode("qrcode", url, 350, 350); _this.createQrCode(url, "qrcode", 350, 350); }).catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) }, onLoad: function (options) { //quancode console.log(options) let that = this; // let value = JSON.stringify({ END: "C", TYPE: "couponorder", ID: options.quancode}) // that.createQrCode(value, "qrcode", 350, 350); that.setData({ code: options.quancode, title: options.title, subtitle: options.subtitle, remark: options.remark, couponorderstatus: options.couponorderstatus, validStatus: options.validstatus, contentType: options.contentType }); if (options.couponorderstatus == 0) { that.setRq() //动态获取二维码 这个方法必须在拿到 options.quancode 后调用 } if (options.contentType != undefined && options.contentType == 1) { this.setData({ curHtml: app.globalData.curHtml }) } /** * 如果没有核销 */ that.data.setInter = setInterval(function () { if (that.data.couponorderstatus == 0) { Http.get({ url: config.api.getStatus, data: { couponOrderId: options.quancode } }).then(res => { console.log(res); that.setData({ couponorderstatus: res.data.CouponOrderStatus }); if (res.data.CouponOrderStatus == 1) { /** * 动态改变上一级页面的核销状态 */ that.getStaticGame() var pages = getCurrentPages(); var prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面 //直接调用上一个页面的setData()方法,把数据存到上一个页面中去 prevPage.setData({ mystatus: res.data.CouponOrderStatus }); } }) .catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.errMsg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) } }, 2000); if (that.data.couponorderstatus == 1) { /** * 如果已经核销 * 不需要循环 */ Http.get({ url: config.api.getStatus, data: { couponOrderId: options.quancode } }).then(res => { that.setData({ couponorderstatus: res.data.CouponOrderStatus }); }) .catch(err => { tt.showToast({ title: err.errMsg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: false }); }) } /** * couponorderstatus * 0 没有核销 * 1 已经核销成功 */ }, createQrCode: function (url, canvasId, cavW, cavH) { //调用插件中的draw方法,绘制二维码图片 let that = this; QR.api.draw(url, canvasId, cavW, cavH, function (res) { that.setData({ tempFilePath: res }) }); }, onUnload: function () { let that = this; clearInterval(that.data.setInter); clearInterval(that.data.templTiem); }, onHide: function () { let that = this; clearInterval(that.data.setInter); clearInterval(that.data.templTiem); }, // onHide:function(){ // console.log(app.globalData.sight) // tt.setScreenBrightness({ // value: app.globalData.sight, // }) // } });