You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
- <view class="commodityBox">
- <view class="commodityImgBox">
- <image class="commodityImg" src="{{data.coverImg}}"></image>
- </view>
- <view class="contentBox">
- <view class="topBox">
- <view class="title">{{data.title}}</view>
- <view class="unit">{{data.type==50?priceAndStockObj.creditPrice+'积分':'¥'+priceAndStockObj.salePrice/100}}
- </view>
- </view>
- <view class="subhead">{{data.subTitle}}</view>
- </view>
- <view class="app-border-topX">
- <view class="actually"> 实付 </view>
- <view class="payZ">{{data.type!=50?'¥':''}}</view>
- <view class="price">{{data.type==50?priceAndStockObj.creditPrice+'积分':priceAndStockObj.salePrice/100}}</view>
- <view class="buyX" bindtap="orderFunc">{{data.type==50?'立即换购':'提交订单'}}</view>
- <button tt:if="{{imId && goodId}}" class="serviceBox" open-type="im" data-im-id="{{ imId }}"
- data-im-type="goods" data-biz-line="1" data-goods-id="{{ goodId }}" bindim="imCallback"
- binderror="onimError">
- <view class="fuwuLogoBox f">
- <image class="itemLogo" src="../../../assets/images/service1.png" />
- </view>
- </button>
- </view>
- <phoem showBox="{{showPhoem}}" bind:hiePhoen="setPhone" bind:heiBox="setBox"></phoem>
- </view>
- <view class="go" bindtap="goInstructions">
- <view class="goTitle">使用须知</view>
- <image class="goImg" src="../../../assets/itemImg/chevron.png"></image>
- </view>
- <!-- 仅当可预约时 -->
- <view tt:if="{{ data.type == 69 }}">
- <!-- <view tt:if="{{ !merchantId }}" class="addressPickerFlex">
- <text>选择可用商户:</text>
- <picker style="display: inline-block;" mode="selector" value="{{index}}" range="{{mallList}}"
- range-key="{{mallList[0].distanceName ? 'distanceName' : 'merchantName'}}" disabled="{{false}}"
- bindchange="setMerchant">
- <view class="pickerInside">
- 请选择
- </view>
- </picker>
- </view>
- <view tt:if="{{ merchantId }}" class="addressPicker">
- <picker style="display: inline;" mode="selector" value="{{index}}" range="{{mallList}}"
- rrange-key="{{mallList[0].distanceName ? 'distanceName' : 'merchantName'}}" disabled="{{false}}"
- bindchange="setMerchant">
- <text> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{
- mallList[currentIndex].merchantName }} <text tt:if="{{ mallList[currentIndex].distance_str }}"
- class="distanceFoot">{{
- mallList[currentIndex].distance_str }}</text></text></text>
- </picker>
- </view> -->
- <view tt:if="{{ !shopItem && !reservationMerchantName }}" class="addressPickerFlex" bindtap="goSelectShop">
- <text>选择可用商户:</text>
- <view class="pickerInside">
- 请选择
- </view>
- </view>
- <view tt:if="{{ shopItem || reservationMerchantName }}" class="addressPicker" bindtap="goSelectShop">
- <text tt:if="{{ reservationMerchantName }}"> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{ reservationMerchantName
- }}</text></text>
- <text tt:else> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{
- shopItem.merchantName }} <text tt:if="{{ shopItem.distance_str }}"
- class="distanceFoot">{{shopItem.distance_str }}</text></text></text>
- </view>
- </view>