You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <!-- c:\Users\Holy-Knight-IX\Desktop\Working Space\4.TikTok-MiniPro\ttc\package2\pages\appointment\appointment.ttml -->
  2. <view class="continer">
  3. <view tt:if="{{ pickedAddress != '请选择地址' }}" class="addressPicker" bindtap="chooseAddress">
  4. <text>选择服务地点:</text>
  5. <text>
  6. <text class="address">{{ pickedAddress }}</text>
  7. </text>
  8. </view>
  9. <view tt:if="{{ pickedAddress == '请选择地址' }}" class="addressPickerFlex" bindtap="chooseAddress">
  10. <text>选择服务地点:</text>
  11. <text>
  12. <text class="address">{{ pickedAddress }}</text>
  13. </text>
  14. </view>
  15. <view tt:if="{{ isDetail }}" class="addressTextarea">
  16. <textarea class="describe" placeholder="请填写详细地址:单元楼、门牌号等" bindinput="inputAddressDetail"
  17. value="{{ pickedAddressDetail }}"></textarea>
  18. </view>
  19. <view class="datePickerFlex">
  20. <picker mode="date" start="{{ startTime }}" end="{{ endTime }}" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}"
  21. bindchange='chooseDate'>选择服务日期:</picker>
  22. <picker mode="date" start="{{ startTime }}" end="{{ endTime }}" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}"
  23. bindchange='chooseDate' class="address">
  24. {{ pickedDate }}</picker>
  25. </view>
  26. <view class="datePickerFlex">
  27. <picker mode="time" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}" bindchange='chooseTime'>预计上门时间:</picker>
  28. <picker mode="time" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}" bindchange='chooseStartTime' class="address">{{ pickedStartTime
  29. }}</picker>
  30. -
  31. <picker mode="time" start="{{ pickedStartTime }}" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}" bindchange='chooseEndTime'
  32. class="address">{{ pickedEndTime }}
  33. </picker>
  34. </view>
  35. <!-- <view tt:if="{{ !merchantId }}" class="addressPickerFlex">
  36. <text>选择可用商户:</text>
  37. <picker style="display: inline-block;" mode="selector" value="{{index}}" range="{{mallList}}"
  38. range-key="{{mallList[0].distanceName ? 'distanceName' : 'merchantName'}}" disabled="{{false}}"
  39. bindchange="setMerchant">
  40. <view class="pickerInside"></view>
  41. 请选择
  42. </picker>
  43. </view>
  44. <view tt:if="{{ merchantId }}" class="addressPicker">
  45. <picker style="display: inline;" mode="selector" value="{{index}}" range="{{mallList}}"
  46. range-key="{{mallList[0].distanceName ? 'distanceName' : 'merchantName'}}" disabled="{{false}}"
  47. bindchange="setMerchant">
  48. <text tt:if="{{ !reservationMerchantName }}"> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{
  49. mallList[currentIndex].merchantName }} <text tt:if="{{ mallList[currentIndex].distance_str }}"
  50. class="distanceFoot">{{
  51. mallList[currentIndex].distance_str }}</text></text></text>
  52. <text tt:if="{{ reservationMerchantName }}"> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{ reservationMerchantName
  53. }}</text></text>
  54. </picker>
  55. </view> -->
  56. <view tt:if="{{ !shopItem && !reservationMerchantName }}" class="addressPickerFlex" bindtap="goSelectShop">
  57. <text>选择可用商户:</text>
  58. <view class="pickerInside">
  59. 请选择
  60. </view>
  61. </view>
  62. <view tt:if="{{ shopItem || reservationMerchantName }}" class="addressPicker" bindtap="goSelectShop">
  63. <text tt:if="{{ reservationMerchantName }}"> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{ reservationMerchantName
  64. }}</text></text>
  65. <text tt:else> 选择可用商户:<text class="pickerInside">{{
  66. shopItem.merchantName }} <text tt:if="{{ shopItem.distance_str }}"
  67. class="distanceFoot">{{shopItem.distance_str }}</text></text></text>
  68. </view>
  69. <view class="describeTextarea">
  70. <textarea class="describe" placeholder="备注:说点什么吧" disabled="{{ !isShowBtns }}" bindinput="describing"
  71. value="{{ describeStr }}"></textarea>
  72. </view>
  73. <block tt:if="{{isShowBtns}}">
  74. <button class="confirm" type="primary" bindtap="confirm">{{ appointmentText }}</button>
  75. <!-- <button tt:if="{{ id && status != 1}}" type="primary" bindtap="cancel">取消预约</button> -->
  76. </block>
  77. </view>